Uhm.. I'm looking for a complete torrent of the following anime's:
Honey and Clover complete season 1 and 2 if possible.
Law Of Ueki
Black Lagoon
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Uhm.. I'm looking for a complete torrent of the following anime's:
Honey and Clover complete season 1 and 2 if possible.
Law Of Ueki
Black Lagoon
Quick question my friend, have you tried looking for yourself first? We are not here to answer your every whim on anime that is Quite easy to find. Therefore I must refer you to THIS THREAD! and wish you the best of luck in finding what you need. If you still cannot find it after looking through that thread, then please, by all means, come back and ask for help again. I will be more than happy to help then.
What the Fuck, is all i can say.
I have all of these series except Law Of Ueki. If you wanna swing by the IRC channel we can figure something out. ;)
Just Do either @find whatever your looking for, or just !list the channel for the bots
sorry guys i still a noob at this so i wasnt able to find those in this forum. Thx for te help though.. i really appreciate it alot!!