Can Anyone Help Me?
i have tried to find torrent for anime: voltage fighter-gowcaizer
voogie's angel
both are US anime (if i not mistaken):confused:
yeah i know it old anime but i just find out about it:p
One more thing it seems that anime voogie's angel have few episode
(it seems to be,i meant series)<(what the hell im talking about?!):(
well, i will be gratefull if someone can help me find this torrent
or link to direct download
For all of your help i firstly say thx very much:D
Moved to the Downloads section. Please make sure to create your topics in the appropriate section!
first..all download requests should be made in the Anime Downloads section.
If you have not tried the sticky thread in that section..then please do!
EDIT: try www.mininova.org
Sorry For My Mistake
I'm sorry for my mistake posting at the wrong place.
Well anyway i've tried the mininova but the result is zero
i even couldn't get the voltage fighter anime info from bestanime
i dying to see those anime