"We begin the armed intervention to all warfare with GUNDAM"
"Rebirth begins through destruction"
Could be a new game, a new movie, but it looks awesome so i'm hoping a new series!:
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"We begin the armed intervention to all warfare with GUNDAM"
"Rebirth begins through destruction"
Could be a new game, a new movie, but it looks awesome so i'm hoping a new series!:
According to the guys in animesuki it's a new series. I hope it wont suck :)
Gundam00 - Official Site - only has the promo curretly
No SEED. No Fukuda. I am incredibly happy right now.Quote:
Originally Posted by Gunota headlines
Interesting. Nice to see a possible female gundam pilot. Cant wait until it comes out.
Ooh, is it gonna be directed by the director of FMA. That'll be interesting. Probably can expect a lot of angsty teenagers like usual. By "solestal beings" it seems like it's going to be the same premise as a lot of the previous series. Gundam X's New Types, Seed's Coordinators, and a couple others as well probably.
could the "solestal beings" actually be "celestial beings"? the info that masa quoted says they werent sure on the english name.
Finally a new Gundam series. I've got high hopes for this and hope it delivers.
also dug up these rumorsQuote:
Originally Posted by Anime News Network
Originally Posted by The Rumor Mill
I sincerely hope that the rumor about the Series Composition being done by Kuroda is true. He was heavily involved in writing and doing series composition for Gungrave and also wrote the Scyred manga. I'm hoping he can bring some of the grit back into the Gundam franchise.Quote:
Neither the director or other supporting staff aside from the creators should be listed. You should really think twice about caving into rumors since this is doing nothing but fueling speculation at this time... Bravo for that one, ANN.
Yoshida did the character design and some animation (including the 1st, 2nd and 4th EDs) for Eureka Seven.
Again, alot of rumors flying around, and probably will be for awhile. But hell, I'm psyched. It's been awhile since i've had something to look forward to from the Gundam franchise.
Sweet it has a girl as a Gundam pilot so I'm already happy. Hoping she proves to be as awesome as Stella. Though if it showed the characters in the order that it showed the suits then she might have the one with all the rockets which I'm guessing will be the slowest.
Err hopefully they can do better than Stella I counted her among the worst because she seemed to have no mental stability, unlike her comrades who managed to be pretty normal outside of combat. That chick from 08th MS Team is my favorite female Gundam pilot.
This looks interesting, it should be nice to see something new from the Gundam franchise, thought that line about the Celestial Beings trying to stop battles reeks of the War against War fought in SEED and Destiny. It was cool in SEED but they took it way to far with God-Kira in Destiny and the taint still hasn't left my mind.
My god its been 2 years. Im very excited.
I think "War is bad, let's not fight anymore!" has been the theme of virtually every Gundam show ever made.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
Hmmm not really. The only one that I can think of (besides seed) that had that sort of theme was turn A.
Turn A, yeah... Gundam Wing had it too, in the Endless Waltz movie they try to not kill enemies and nearly end up dead themselves because of it. Takes a cheesy deus ex machina to save them from it too.
SEED and Destiny had it the worst though, since Lacus made it her mission to stop everyone from fighting and their was so much focus on just disarming mechs and not killing the pilots...
I always wanted for their to be a Gundam where the main character goes on the "Let's not kill" kick, disables alot of enemy mechs but they're still alive and can move around a bit (let's say in space). Then the King's ship or the one with the guy's lover or some super important ship is passing through the ravaged enemies and one of the "disabled" enemies just goes BANZAI and suicide runs into it. That'd show 'em.
Take note of the green gundam's head:
Screencaps (not 56k friendly)
Monoeyed Gundam :eek:
actually, it looks like a third camera lens... or maybe just a shiny forehead dot... You can see the traditional "eyes" in the two previous shots (numbers 6 and 7).Quote:
Originally Posted by Illrenmazou
Those screencaps made me notice the "trail" that the eyes leave behind, at least for the blue Gundam... I'm not very keen on that little gimmick...
More interesting to me is the singular, circular engine/thruster on the back of the blue Gundam. Wonder how that's going to work? I'm sorta used to the double thrusters now... Wonder why they'd change it... I hope it's not just a gimmick (which the eye trail/blur certainly is), because that forecasts yet another series that is more concerned with shiny mechs, flashy animation and selling model kits than it is with having a good story and characters...
I like the blue one. It looks fast. Fast is good, very good. VROOM! ZOOM!... >.>
NOooooo, the chick has glasses. I guess that'll probably kill her personality in the long run. I bet she'll turn out to be that snobby annoying chick that you just can't get to stop lecturing you.
lisa from bleach has glasses, and she is badass.
The mechs seem to have more simple designs then the SEED universe, probably to emphaaize how this is supposed to be the future inour universe so there probably won't be any changing of the molecular structure of the ion pumps from the cockpit. Also the kid on the bottom row looks like he's ready to try and give Shinn a run for angst captain of the universe.