InfernalMu Season II Server- By yours truly
InfernalMu Season II V.1.02N Server.
MuOnline Server V.1.02N Completely customized/decked out/and hosted by yours truly.
I've spent a week tweaking the server and client files and I think I got a pretty damn good server going. This took me 4 sleepless nights. If any GotWooters out there play Mu or never gave it a try, try this one out. Currently got no players save three of my buddies from High School who bugged me into making this server.
Anyways, check it out GotWooters. Of course GotWooters get some special treatment. Now I must begin to advertise and perfect any tweaking left undone.
At the very least, I can say my server is one of a kind. 100% unique.
Check it out!