Lefty's Birthday
Kendo master Lefty, who's been super inactive lately :(, turns 23 today. This member is one of the few guys who is honest without coming off as a jackass, with a good sense of humor and amazingly grounded IRL. He's one of the first guys I started recognizing around here, and even if he doesn't show up here for his birthday, I hope he has a good one.
In ye olde times when battles were fought with honest swords lefties had a distinct advantage because 90% of the opponents were right-handed and trained to fight against other right-handed people, whereas left-handed were also trained mainly to fight right-handed folks, seeing how only 10% of opponents could be of the same preference. Another advantage they had was the fact that they weren't hindered by the tradition of building spiral staircases of fortifications to rise clockwise so that the defender would have an advantage. For a lefty attacker that would only have been an opportunity (though vice versa if he was the defender, but in those cases he could have left it for the others).
Well, anyway, happy Birthday!
I remember you from my lurking days. Happy birthday anyways!
I recognize you from.. I can't remember, but that doesn't mean I don't know who you are!
Happy Birthday, Mr. Lefty!
Happy Birthday to an old regular. Sucks we haven't heard from you in a while.
Have a good one, dude.
Happybday man...you better be off filming a movie to skip your own bday thread. Otherwise we'll hate you forever. :p
Happy birthday. Don't know ya, but its your birthday none-the-less! Heres to a drink :)
yea i know him.. i think he hates me,, :) happy birthday though!
Hope you're having fun on your birthday, Lefty! :p
Haven't seen Lefty in a while, but happy birthday
He responded to a pm of mine once I thinkZ. Came off as an Ok guy.
Have a good one. Happy B-Day mate.