A good manhwa and it has vampires, so it's kickass! Anyone else reading?
Yukisama have been releasing this like crazy which is good because I thought I was going to get stuck on it with E-B.
In the 17th century Deshwitat, the main character and vampire, is betrayed by his friend Kalutika and inprisoned in "null" space for the rest of Eternity. Three-hundred years later he is released from his eternal prison by accident and has a thirst for "Kal's" blood. Accompanied by Millenear Sheffield, an excommunicated excorsist, Remi Do, the daughter of a paranormal investigator, and a long time friend, he starts on his long quest for revenge (and possibly some world saving in the process).
Three hundred years ago the Dark Magician Deshwitat Lived Rudbich, a vampire, was sealed in limbo by the Light Magician Kalutika. Resurrected in the present day, Deshwitat has vowed to destroy Kalutika, and now, with the help of a team of spiritual warriors, seeks the means to use Light Magic to achieve his ends
Volume 5 has now been released, and you can get it from mangatraders.