Games: Square Enix Party 2007 *Updated*
A lot... a LOT of info :D
General Info
The Last Renmant for PS3 and Xbox 360
A new game developed under the Unreal Engine
Final Fantasy IV DS
3D remake of FFIV
Star Ocean First Departure for PSP
PSP remake of 1st Star Ocean game for SNES
Star Ocean Second Evolution for PSP
PSP remake of 2nd Star Ocean game for PSone
Star Ocean 4 for PS3 (and maybe Xbox360)
Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System for PS2
International version of FFXII which features 12 License Boards that allow you to create Black Mages, Dark Knights, White Mages etc... 12 different Jobs a la FFT
Final Fantasy Dissidia for PSP
Progressive Versus Action Game (???) featuring characters from Final Fantasy 1 and Final Fantasy 9 (for now)
Chocobo's Dungeon: Toki-Wasure no Meikyuu for Wii
No comments...
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates for DS
New FFCC for DS
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers for Wii
New FFCC for Wii
Final Fantasy Tactics A2 for DS
New screens
Dragon Quest IX for DS
New Screens
And the party hasn't even begun :D
Expect more info this weekend when the party takes place :D
EDIT 1:Added SO4... can't believe I forgot it... although not much info was released...
EDIT 2: Added FFTA2
EDIT 3: Added DQIX
Parasite Eve 3rd Birthday for Cellphones