This is a matter of life and death!
Okay my honeys, I'm going to pierce the right side of my nose this week. Pic for reference (swedish text but you don't have to care about that)
So yeah basically I'm having troubles with choosing the accessory to go with this piercing. I want some kind of ring though, I think. I don't like those small things. Here's a link with a couple of different types of loot which are all potential candidates. SO... ARE YOU A BAD ENOUGH DUDE TO HELP ME CHOOSE WHICH ONE I SHOULD GET? VOTE NOW!!
Yeah, swedish text there too but it works to browse through. Just choose which one I should get in the poll and then if you want I'd like if you posted in this thread with specific colors and shit. Just copy paste the text or image link to the one you think I should get, since again - it's in swedish.
To motivate you here's a recent pic of me so you can sort of imagine how I'd look with the new piercing when it's done. But really it's just an excuse to flaunt my hotness.