Messenger Spider
What exactly is a MSNBot Spider / Google Spider / Yahoo! Slurp Spider? o.0
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Messenger Spider
What exactly is a MSNBot Spider / Google Spider / Yahoo! Slurp Spider? o.0
They're bots that, in effect, increase the traffic on your site. Completely harmless.
It's a spider that sends messenges for you.
misinformation is a bad thing :p.
Those are the spiders that search engines use to index websites. Before they just showed up as guests, but I turned on the bot identification feature a couple weeks ago, so they show up as what they are now.
Without search engine spiders, search engines would have no idea what's going on on the intertubes. If you go and search for something in google or yahoo or msn live search, the results are there because one of those bots indexed our site at some point.
This has nothing to do with messenger programs or IM.
Fine, then. You're the database pimp :p
Damn Boards of Commandation making bad jokes.....
Che, I'm making up words. =)
Good to knows DataBase PiMP. I was wondering when I saw em, like ftw? o.0
If nothing else, this thread has taught me that at least one more person refers to the internet as "the tubes".Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
And I like that.
I made a piece called "A Series of Tubes" on deviantart :o
THAT'S tubes!