Have fun watching. :D
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Have fun watching. :D
About episode 111:
I really wish that what was revealed in this episode had happened in episode 110, that way the impact wouldn't have been ruined by the new ED.
Indeed. The ending was cruel last week for non-manga readers.
Me... I've been waiting for ages for this part being animated. Excellent.
It looks like they're going to use the filler charachters to fill up time in the episodes so they don't catch up to the manga as fast. While this is a good goal it's somewhat annoying to have to see them running around acting all crappy in the middle of everything.
I liked that they emphasized Ishiins partial white cloak more in the anime though, there were many discussions in the manga forum about it looking similar familiar to something we've already seen.
I'm still confused whether he is a real captain or captain class shinigami....or does it both mean the same thing? :p
It doesn't mean the same thing, there can only be as many captains as there are squads, but that doesn't mean there are only as many people powerful enough to be captains as there are squads. Take Gin, who was a VC but eventually became a captain, there must have been a captain before him that either retired or died (likely killed by Aizen if so).
God I hope the filler characters will be killed very very soon. Other then that it was a pretty good episode.
Although it was very strange that the animation just kept shifting from good to really bad.....hopefully next week they'll fix that.
I'm gonna have to go on a limb and say ichigoe's old man was a captain like urahara, and youroichi. He probably left with them. Hopefully sooner or later they will give some story behind thier past. It was a good episode. And they cut back on the use of the manga for this episode. It was like 1 chapter for a whole episode which is great in a way.
Yea it looks like they are gonna use the filler dolls from now on. I really hate them for some reason. They are extremely annoying at times lol. At least it looks like they won't go thru the manga material to fast.
damn i was hoping grand fisher was gonna kill off those dolls before ichigo's dad came to the rescue
yea i gotta agree that the animation was terrible and the music (or lack of) made the surprise not that interesting
does ichigo's dad sound different to anybody else? feels like a difference voice actor. or maybe it's same one just sounding serious for once haha
The filler dolls continue to annoy me greatly they just hurt the pacing of the storyline. This Episode and 110 should have been combined better. Given this was still acceptable and I'm glad to see them animating Manga reguardless.
Also Ichigo's dad made the comment in the DB translation. All Shinigami of Captain class or HIGHER control the size of their Zanpakutou. As such it has not been stated what he is just that its likely he's controlling the size of his Zanpakutou. So all we can really do is wait and see where he might fit into things.
Wow... This is nice, Ichigo father is a "Death God" (don't feel like writing it in jap) and of Captain(or higher) class too? That could explain why his childs can see death people.
(i didn't found the ending to be cruel like Budweineken said, but than again, i don't Watch the ending, i just minimize the screen listen to the music of the ending and go on the internet until the Preview for the next episode start)
My sentiments exactly. Just kill off Rinrin and the gang. Not only awkward animation, but the colors are bland for some reason.Quote:
Originally Posted by Knives122
Christ people, would you stfu about the damn dolls.
Is it me, or does King Fisher seem...I dunno...stupider?
Last time I saw him he was, like, the least mindless Hollow the show had shown us.
Now he seems kinda...dim.
So a shinigami that gets hollow powers is not the same thing as a hollow that gets shinigami powers, because the latter apparently sucks.
King Fisher died like a bitch(assuming he's dead, you normally have to cut their mask, but then he took his own mask off so...I dunno). I guess it would be fitting to have Isshin avenging his wife, except he doesn't even seem to care that King Fisher killed her.
More stuff with Ishida's dad too! He can fix his son's powers! Woo!
Normally I'd be the first to agree with you DE about people complaining about the dolls, but they really are very poorly done. Their look, sound (except Nova), and attitudes (except Nova) are irritating, and I'd prefer they were removed or replaced. That said, I'm not sure which I prefer: episodes with straight manga material (for purity's sake), or episodes with some filler so the anime doesn't catch up too quick to the manga, which will mean another pure filler arc.
I was going to be really upset if the modified soul dolls killed Grand Fisher. I still wanted it to be Ichigo, but at least it was his dad.
@DE: Fisher's use of anabolic steroids made him dumber. Might want to check under his back-fur for pimples.
Hrm, this went a lot smoother in the manga, I'll look up what chapter it is so you all can all check it out yourself without having to spoil anything (and you REALLY don't want to spoil anything for yourself).
Haha, I personally thought it was an entirely different Voice Actor than before, then again, he just might sound like that when being serious.Quote:
Originally Posted by Meteros
Originally Posted by DDBen
Suuuuure. So we can have fillers once more in less than 20 episodes (its just a random number). So lets just cram everything we can unto every episode :rolleyes:
Grand Fisher didn't get stupidier. He got overconfident on his new Arrancar Powers. (im surprised no one has commented on this fact, that while Hirako called himself Vaizard, Grand Fisher called himself Arrancar. Two new groups).
man... i dunno how you lot can all sit around pickin holes in bleach and slaggin it off. you seem to have missed the point that this episode was like the coolest thing ever. maybe its a bit blah if youve read the manga, but for me, who hasn't... this episode totally smacked it and i can't bloody wait for more episodes exactly like it. there was nothing wrong with it at all and I love it. if you're gonna let a different ending theme or a badly-drawn doll spoil it for you then i feel sorry for you.
i think it's: shinigami>hollow=vaizard
i could be wrong though.
I really liked Isshin's entrance, Kon's comment about his parenting is priceless too.
Here is another question that came up before (however in the manga section) We all know Kisuke Urahara is a former captain of the 12th Division, Yoruichi Shihouin was the special forces commander( 2nd division), but what of isshin?
He remarks about being something of a captain class (how captains must suppress the sizes of their zanpakutō in order to have it at a proper size, as they would otherwise be swinging swords the size of skyscrapers), and he does seem to have a white robe as well (You see it on him however he is just having it over his shoulder) what Division to you figure he came from if any?
Captains come and go. Like Yukimura was saying, there must have been a captain who went away before Gin became one, for example. Maybe that was Isshin. Or he could be of even older vintage.