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TEH HORRORS..................
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TEH HORRORS..................
What the FUCK?I'm assuming Kira being a high-ranking ZAFT officer only happens in the end when Lacus becomes Chairman.That's a shocker
God DAMNIT he's the same rank as Yzak
Yeah, I saw this about a month ago. It doesnt really suprise me hes not with orb anymore since hes really just following Lacus. Im suprised they didnt make him faith but I guess that was more of a Durandal thing since Shin isnt faith anymore either.
He should be in ZAFT Special Forces like Athrun in Seed.The guy doesn't show any command skills like Yzak dude
Why the fuck is Athrun wearing an Orb suit? i don't care for Kira in a ZAFT suit but i hate to see Athrun in an Orb suit.
I can see two reasons:
1) He still wants to be close to Cagalli....whether to protect her or wait to see if she'll go into a relationship with her again.
2) Hes already fought against ZAFT twice....not sure how he would be accepted the second time around.
For one,Athrun still loves Cagalli and if she doesn't want him anymore why would she keep fingering the ring Athrun gave her?
They accepted Kira, why wouldn't they accept Athrun a third time?Quote:
Originally Posted by vejita613
As for the Cagalli stuff that relationship seems to be done with. Athrun went back to ZAFT in Destiny just after a quick conversation with Dullinandal.
Athrun going back to ZAFT would be an easy thing,what with Lacus being the Chairman she can just pull rank and order the thing.Kira in ZAFT is a possibility because everybody doesn't know his identity as the pilot of Strike,Freedom and Strike Freedom so he can just be passed off as some new ZAFT recruit with skills.
you guys are talking about these characters like they're rationale people who actually make decisions about what they do in the series!
you should know by now that everyone in the SEED universe actually has no free will of their own. Instead they operate according to three creeds.
True sources of character action in SEED:
1. Whatever Fukuda's wife thinks would make a good story/moral point.
2. Whatever will sell more model kits.
3. Whatever has been done in old Gundam series that can be directly ripped off, plus new sparkly animation.
lacus will soon have world domination
Lol you mean re-used old animation scenes with a little icing. Dear lord dont make me remember how many scenes they re-used.... :(Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
Man,i think they only rip off about 10% of other Gundam fight scenes.I just saw the Zeta movies 1 & 2,and i was totally shocked!My eyes were opened,man!The MS in those movies could do all sorts of fighting scenes i didn't know possible.So i realised,my only exposure to Gundam had been the CE series so now i'm looking forward to getting to watch other series.
Love the Nemo!Best-looking GM/Dagger MS in any Gundam show!
Zeonic-Corps just released Part 4
GS Destiny Special Ed. PT 4 By Z-C
Hey man, thanks! I've been waiting for months for this:)