What kind of new company should my dad start?
my dad recently had a loss in profits from his company,and as a business major I feel like its my duty to help him out considering he's in the wrong industry and not from America to begin with.
He was formerly in the manufacturing machining tool industry.But being in Michigan means that every time the "Big 3"(Ford,GM,etc.) take a hit,they take him along for the ride.Well he's had enough and I've advised him to start a new company which he will soon be doing.
Now.i was interested in what you guys think could be the most profitable,and or most enjoyable.
heres what the possible choices are:
1)Service-buying an ice skating rink,Blockbuster
2)Food-pizza franchise, bakery
3)Communications-cell phones, etc.
those are just some of the possible ideas.
Let me know