Break a Leg Episode 2 Part 1
Hey there everyone, it's been awhile since I've posted about the independant sitcom I'm working on, but we just released the 1st part of the second episode and I'm here to spread the word. The following link will take you to the release:
You can also visit our myspace or our website at:
Break a Leg is a dark comedy sitcom about making a sitcom in which the main character will die at the end of the season. It's a pretty sany world with a lot of laughs and a quirky feel.
If you're a fan of Arrested Development, the Office, Scrubs, or similar shows the Humor is probably right up your alley.
Anyhoo, enough of the pitch. This show is something I've had a lot of fun working on and have put a lot of hard work into along with the rest of the crew that makes up Late Again Films.
Check it out and if you like it, please help us spread the word.
Hope you all like it