Sakura Taisen
I'm looking for anyone who can point me where I can get:
Sakura Taisen Ouka Kenran&Sakura Taisen Gouka Kenran
That's Sakura Wars OVA I and II, Boxtorrents won't allow a torrent of it to be uploaded, and I haven't been able to find a group with the eps still available. I've spent several hours searching torrent sites, and trolling the the IRC channels of the groups that have done it in the past, but I cannot find it on any fserves, and all the torrents are dead.
If anyone can point me to where I can get the eps, or is willing to send/trade me the files I'd be grateful. I have a free streamload account if that matters to anyone, although i'd prefer something more along the lines of going into IRC and sharing. if anyone would like a list of what I can trade PM me and I'll provide it, it's rather too long to put into this post.