Hey, we haven't had a thread like this in a while.
Name me,
1) Your top 5 favorite anime of all time !
2) Your top 3 favorite anime currently watching!
I'll post mine in a while.
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Hey, we haven't had a thread like this in a while.
Name me,
1) Your top 5 favorite anime of all time !
2) Your top 3 favorite anime currently watching!
I'll post mine in a while.
(In no particular order.)
Ye olde series:
- Elfen Lied
- Berserk
- Aishiteru ze Baby
- Shingetsutan Tsukihime
Currently airing:
- Utawarerumono
- Eureka 7
- Zero no Tsukaima
Now, I have to add that I already typed Cowboy Bebop in the list instead of FMP, but changed it after a little pondering. In my opinion Bebop is a better series, but when I think about it in retrospect, FMP probably matters more to me, even if it doesn't reach Bebop's level of quality. But then again I have a series like Aishiteru ze Baby there, so you can probably disregard anything I say...
For the currently airing I placed Zero there instead of School Rumble 2nd season, because in the end despite SR's superior script writing and amazing level of quality I tend to be drawn more to coherent plots rather than individual episodes.
My five favorite series that I've seen before would be :
1. Gankutsuou
2. Monster
3. Elfen Lied
4. Great Teacher Onizuka
5. Gungrave
I've yet to watch the anime of 'Berserk', however if it's as good as the manga, it would probably be second to third on that list. 'Speed Grapher' and 'Basilisk' are also some of my favorites.
My three favorite series that I'm watching right now would be :
1. Eureka seveN
2. Utawarerumono
3. School Rumble - Second Term
I'm going to watch 'Planet ES' and 'Legend of the Galactic Heroes' next. I've heard good things about them, so they might be up on my list(s) soon.
1. Gankutsuou
2. Planetes
3. Infinite Ryvius
4. Berserk
5. FMA
My top 5 are (no order):
-Kimi Ga Nozumu Eien
-Slayers (I'm considering all the series and movies at once, too hard to pick one season)
-Kiddy Grade
-Ghost in the Shell: SAC (1st and 2nd Gig)
-Elfen Lied
I considered many of the saga series as whole works, simply because I needed to save space on the list. I thought about adding Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha and Nanoha A's, but I'll have to wait for the third season to add that to the list. Other close calls were Cowboy Bebop, Neon Genesis Evangelion, School Rumble season 1, and either Hoshi no Koe or Beyond the Clouds. Aria is combined with the second season and is on my currently airing list.
As for currently watching top 3 (no order):
-Kaleido Star
-ARIA (and -the Natural-)
Zero no Tsukaima and SR Term 2 were close on the list, as was Bokura Ga Ita. It's hard to pick just three when you watch so many.
top five most loved animes?
Kare Kano
Dragon Ball Z
Azumanga daioh.
currently watched best animes?
a bit of a problem, I hardly watch anything now, so i'll have to say: good witch of the west, Gash Bell and Hokuto no Ken..
yep, not the best that the anime world has to offer...
strange enough, i didn't find any thread that was more than just "favorite current anime"... (that wasn't 2+ years old...) so i suppose this topic stays.
and man, such a difficult question!, especially for favorite's of all time...
From all the ones I've seen, the names that come to mind are (in no particular order):
Cowboy Bebop
Honorable Mentions go to: FMA, Mushishi and Naruto
As for the ones I'm currently watching, those I can quantify (as I'm only watching 5...):
1. Eureka SeveN
2. Zegapain
3. Blood+ (yes, i am currently liking it more than)
4. Utawarerumono
5. Zeta Gundam (2nd time through it isn't as good...)
Top 5:
Hunter X Hunter
Project ARMS
Kurau Phantom Memory
Twelve Kingdoms
Currently watching, top 5 because top 3 makes no sense:
One Piece
Eureka seveN
The Third
Ergo Proxy
Top 5 all time anime
Magic Knight Rayearth
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu
X by Clamp
Fushigi Yuugi
Top 5 Manga
Mahou Sensei Negima
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
Top 5 Novels
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu
Top Series Currently Watching
Coyote Ragtime Show
Innocent Venus
NHK ni Youkoso
So yeah... added other 2 categories... yeah...
Top 5 all-time:
Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
Elfen Lied
Black Lagoon
Top 5 ongoing:
School Rumble 2
Ergo Proxy (pwnage in a can)
Welcome to the NHK
Honey and Clover 2
Top 5 all time:
Top 5 watching:
- Vampire Hunter D - Bloodlust
- Lupin the III
- Monster
- Nadesico (I figure to get crap for this but I swear it is so much deeper than the crappy anime it seems to be.)
- Eureka Seven
- Mushishi
- Welcome to the NHK
- Gintama
- Blood+
Aeon's Top 5
One Piece
Yu Yu Hakusho
Shakugan no Shana
Aeon's Current Top 3-5
They are always in my sig, I usually change it weekly when certain shows have awesome eps.
Top 5...
Ghost in the Shell ( 1st and 2nd Gig)
Full metal Alchemist
Cowboy bebop
Gundam SEED. ( NOT Destiny.. it's 2nd half sucked )
Top currently Watching:
Night Head Genesis
Tsubasa Chronicles
( Innocent Venus looks very promissing aswell.. )
Top 5:
Hunter X Hunter
One Piece
Lupin the 3rd
Ranma 1/2
Currently Watching Top 5:
Zoid Genesis
School Rumble 2nd Term
Tsubasa Chronicle
Top 5 in no particular order
Yu Yu Hakusho
Full Metal Alchemist
Full Metal Panic
Top 5 currently watching
1. Air Gear (this is by far the anime I have been looking forward to new episodes of the most)
2. One Piece
3. Gundam SEED CE73 Stargazer (better then destiny with only 2 episodes ;))
4. Kiba (not that good but there is so little to watch right now it will do)
5. Hmm well as I said not a lot worth watching currently out and there is nothing else noteworthy I'm watching so I'll leave this blank for now.
Top 5 anime:
Yu Yu Hakusho
One Piece
Hunter x Hunter
Elfen Lied
Honorable Mentions: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Naruto, Samurai X, Samurai Champloo
Top 5 Current:
Ergo Proxy
Air Gear
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Black Lagoon
Oh, and rep to Bud, Dark Dragon, And DragonRage for recommending me a few of the best anime of all time! Woot!
Top 5 anime: (not really in any order)
One Piece
Samurai Champloo
Cowboy Bebop
Naruto (pre-filler Hell)
Top 3 Current Anime: (not counting OP 'cause it made my fav)
Eureka Seven
FMA (yeah, yeah, I am WAY behind the curve)
Bleach (filler or not, I still like this series alot)
Top 5 Manga:
One Piece
Top 5
One piece
Full Metal alchemist
Current top 3
School Rumble 2nd Term
Air Gear
Top Five (in no order)
One Piece
Top Three Current (in no order)
It's really hard to pick any top #... a lot of them has many pros and cons... but I'll try... though I'd probably change my mind by tomorrow.
Top 5 All-Time:
The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
School Rumble
Gits SAC
Fullmetal panic
Elfen Lied
Top 5 Watching:
Ergo Proxy
Ouran High School Host Club
Welcome to the NHK!