Happy birthday to one of the jolly good sig image factories of Gotwoot: Lucifus! Keep drawing, man (especially cute sigs for KitKat...)!
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Happy birthday to one of the jolly good sig image factories of Gotwoot: Lucifus! Keep drawing, man (especially cute sigs for KitKat...)!
Happy birthday, good luck with the hoes.
Happy brithday! hope you the best, and keep photoshopping! hehe, you got alot of skills. good luck for this new age! cheers.
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday.. now make the sig i requested.
Congratulatitaosnsffans! ^_^
Happy birthday man, keep up with the sigs!
Happy Birthday and have a great day!
Happy Hatching day!
Happy birfday , keep up the aging and all that shiz.
Happy fucking birthday. :D
Sorry that we allowed Chaos to ruin your birthday thread by posting on it. But try to have a happy birthday nonetheless.
Way to go Chaos, always ruining everything you touch. ;p
Well maybe just this once I can get "the car" to run over Chaos for his ruining of this thread :p
Happy b-day Luci
Happy Birthday Lucifus!
Happy Birthday man!
Happy B-Day!
Happy Birthday! :)
happy birthday to a great sig maker!
enjoy it, while you still can!
Happy Birthday!
Enjoy it while you can.
Happy B-Day Luci, try not spend it all at once!