Anyone here read comics?
Since my mangas dont come as often in book form or scan form i tried to get my reading from elsewhere.
Mostly i became comics fan thanks to movies like Sin City,Hellboy. I read SC books after i saw the movie and have been hooked since then.
Actually i was talking about American comics not manga or manwha etc.
Like Spiderman,Batman etc to comic strips etc
I read the comics that come in the daily newspaper if I'm at home. Garfield, Fox Trot, Baby Blues, Luann, and Sherman's Lagoon, to name a few that I can think of off the top of my head. I'm not enough of a fan to follow them every day when I'm away, but they're nice to read during breakfast.
Never did read DC/Marvel-type comics though (and not even sure I've labelled that correctly)
Lobo - the best comic book ever :P I think he's also the only anti-super hero that has his own comics anda fan made movie. They even wanted to make a game but they ropped project. It was supposed to be made by Kemco or something.
Garfield, Dilbert and FoxTrot are things I'm a fan of, however I read almost all the comics in a newspaper.
Oh, and Ziggy is funny too.
i only read spiderman, garfield, snoopy, and calvin and hobbes
Calvin and Hobbe and Garfield then...
There is nothing that can compare...
Only other comics I care to browse on occasion are Doonsbury and Boondocks, but nothing comes close to matching the hilarity and still somehow serious nature of Calvin and Hobbes.
Two examples:
the second is much better quality, as good as the printed books, but the ones with Dad are so hilarious...
edit -
...now I feel slightly torn here, because Bill Watterson was one of the few artists I actually respected enough to buy his stuff, never pirating a thing. (on a side-note, Watterson never sold the rights to Calvin or Hobbes, so all those t-shirts, stickers and what not that you see floating around are illegal bootlegs and should be boycotted)
...but old Bill is dead and buried and I'd like to think he'd understand my wanting to share his glorious work with everyone.... so here it is!
A massive online collection of Calvin and Hobbes comics.
Calvin and Hobbes is great.
I can't believe that anyone still likes garfield. I hate that damn comic strip to the point of anger. It's so fucking lame. We all criticize the shit out of Kishimoto when he's being unoriginal, but has Jim Davis come up with a new Idea in years?
Here's a "new" comic from a few days ago. Let's see: 1. The damn cat is sleeping. 2. He gets up and runs because he thinks there's food 3. Garfiled is greedy; John is a whimp.
WOW! How does he keep coming up with such great ideas after so many years?
I know that I'll get neg repped for this, but be honest with yourselves. Garfield sucks.
that still better than naruto filler...
Garfield strips really have gone downhill, but I found one that is pretty funny in my opinion, and I'll display it here for your viewing pleasure.
wtf.. the text must be edited... it cant be original...
No, it's not original, just someone who had photoshop got tired of the original comic and had fun with it :D
Wasn't that comic originally Jon calling some girl he knew in high school and trying to get to her party but being flat out rejected?
What samson says about lack of originality - that really seems to hold true for most of the comics in the paper. I don't read them at breakfast to get a laugh - they're just more interesting than the other sections once I'm done with the front page. Most of the comics lean heavily on humor from their characters' quirks and thus there's hardly any character development that I can think of.
Maybe originally it was, but when i got it, it was just peices from different strips so I did some editing to make it all the same colors and whatnot.
In the newspaper most comics dont make me laugh either, though a few still get a chuckle out every once in awhile. Usually it's ones like Non Sequitor(sp?) and Doonesbury.
I dont read comic strips but i do read once in a while comics like Tintin,Asterix & Obelix,Lucky Luke,Prince Valiant. I read them sometimes in the libarey cuase of nostalgia, cause they were so good when i was a kid.
The rest of comics i read i am into superhero stuff or wierd stuff ala Vergtigo.
Batman,Sin City,Hellboy,Punisher,Daredevil,Nigthwing,Cable and Deadpool,Y The Last Man,100 Bullets,Hulk,Ex Machina etc