Naruto Catching Up
Hello, as my first post I just wanted to say that I have been coming to these awesome forums for a while not as a member but just to get my Naruto and Bleach fix lol.
My question is probably counted as a spoiler so I came to post here. I've stopped watching Naruto since the main storyline ended and the fillers started so I wanted to know what is going on with Naruto right now and if anyone knew when the fillers are going to end and the manga will get back on track and what will the anime be about when it gets back on track.
I've heard that when the anime comes back to using the manga's storyline it will be about something called "Kakashi Gaiden," I just wanted to know what it is about. Thanks in advance for replying. :)
It's unknown when Naruto will go back to the main story line.
Kakashi Gaiden is a small arc about Kakashi and his three person team when he was a kid. It explains how he got his Sharingan and will be about three episodes. Maybe you should read the manga?
Yeah I never read any of the manga I was just going to wait until the anime got back on track, but that sounds kick ass about how we'll get to see Kakashi's past :D, Thanks for the info!
More than likely, it's going to be a long time before the anime gets back into the main story. Read the manga, it's better than the anime :)
the speculation topics have reached the open discussion forums as well...
I say we simply pray for the anime to get back to the manga storyline ASAP. That's about all we can do anyway.
Wow, I cant believe how badly of a down hill slope Naruto has gone since the fillers started :eek: I wonder why they are keeping from putting the anime back to the manga storyline, it seems like there would be plenty of space for at least 2 or 3 seasons for the anime to be based on the manga again.
You've never read the manga so how would you know? The might be able to squeeze 26 eps out of the content since the time skip, but they might be in the middle of an arc
I'll try to keep these vague buy i'm going to go through every episode I can forsee with the current material, so if you don't want to risk spoilage dont read anything but my total at the bottom
3 for gaiden
1 for return and meeting
2 for initial sand stuff
1 for travel to sand & follow up sand stuff
1 for initial travel after Akat
2-3 for pre base fights
1 for arrival at akat base
1-2 for fights to remove barrier (good spot to pad)
2-4 post Akat fights
1 for resolution - End of Arc
so ~15-19 eps for the first arc after Jump, mabe this could be stretched further in places such as the post akatsuki base fights. I don't feel like going into the next arc, but even 26 episodes wouldn't give the manga that much time to break away, perhaps after the next arc in the manga finiches the arc I just detailed could be put into a season and released, but of course it's all up to the studio to balance this all out.
waiting for the anime will take ages viper00. like eveyrone said already its going to be ages before the anime is back on the manga. you should start the manga it is good. might be difficult to understand at first but you have like 313 chapters to get use to it.
Thanks for the replies guys, and I will probably just read the manga until the anime gets back on track. I just wanted to know if any of you know which chapter the anime ended off at if you can remember. Thansk for replying in advance:)
kakashi gaiden starts 239 finishes 244 then you have the gaara rescue bit
read the manga or read about it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plot_of_Naruto_II
Nice! Thanks for the help:)
i am just cheacking if everyone here knows about the new naruto serie that is going to start next year. http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.p...anime&aid=4880
the new serie is going to continiu from episode 135.
upps i just saw a topic on the naruto part so i geas you all know.