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English scan by jinchuukiri
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Very very nice, we got to see another akasuki vs. jinjurinki fight. I just wish Kishi hadn't cut away so he could have seen how they took her down. I'm still curious to see what kind of abilities and jutsu's these two new guys have.
Wo crazy. We get to see the 2-tail beast in action, but it gets captured in the end.
Yeah, I would've liked to have seen what kind of technique he used, he was inpaled on the ground, and taking in blood in some type of ritual, and the 2 tailed girl is crusified to the wall.
mangahelpers.com has some translations up now.
Fire country? o.O
Can't be Naruto....he's Itachi's target.
yay a jinchuriki captured in two chapters. Fucking lame.
is she dead or just unconscious? or can they still extract a bijuu from an already dead jinchuuriki?
i never thought about that
looks like a really good chapter. can't wait for the scanlation.
Kishimoto ever the cock tease, of course he dosen't show us what exactly the self-sacrificing prayer ceremony looks like. I hope when they wind up using it on naruto it's something super badass because so far these two guys are the most underwhelming akasuki pair of the entire bunch. I'm really hoping for some sort of cool bloodline or jutsus. At least something to make these guys look badass. Also hope they don't simply kill the jinjurinki too quickly. It'd be interesting to see naruto interact with another one besides Garra. Plus maybe she can teach him a thing or two (assuming she dosen't die).
Also why the hell is kishi still doing 16 page chapters? Hasn't he finished that damn data book by now?
The Good:
-Seeing the Jinchuuriki transform into her full demon form
-the first good thing
The bad:
-Asuma pretty much wasting Kakashis time(which results in us not know what the method to naruto's trainig is, but also us not finding out what Asuma was going to say)
-Kazaku and Hidan beating Yogito(the girl) in less then 1.5 chapters.
I'm still in love with Hidan. He even speaks the way I like Japanese males to speak, vulgar, low class and sexy. Religious fanatic, too!
This chapter, however, was a little on the lame side. I mean, c'mon, how could they beat a Jinchuuriki in just a chapter and a half!! And she looked like she could be a good addition, too. We need a kunoichi who doesn't suck ass.
I'm really interested in whatever it was that Hidan was doing near the end - it kind of reminds me of last chapter, in which Hidan's line was translated as something like "You wish she'll kill me" or something like that but it may have also been "I want her to kill me."
It makes me wonder if it's just part of his religious madness or if it has anything to do with his goals as part of the Akatsuki.
It's kind of clear they extracted the Two-Tails from the girl, but if so, where is it? Do they have a magical bag in which to hold monsters of unphantomable power? Do they somehow seal it within themselves?
Shame she's dead now, no old woman to sacrifice her life for her to live. Meh.
And that part with Asuma was stupid. They should've kept it for other chapter instead of wasting space here... they could've done more of the fight instead of having Asuma all jittery just 'cause his girlfriend arrived.
Next chapter is called Training Starts or something. The next-time previews are rarely truthful, but maybe we'll get to see the form or something at least related to Naruto's new jutsu.
Hidan: Now I'm irritated. And when I'm irritated, blood rushes to my head. And when blood rushes to my head...
Kakuzu: Shut up Hidan, shut up!
Excellent. *Joins WD in the Hidan fanclub*
Religious + hot + villain + self-sacrificing powers = Awesomeness
As for the rest of the chapter... wait, who gives a shit. HIDAN!
Nah...she has to still be alive....
Its supposed to take like, 3 days to extract the bijuu...with the combined power of the akatsukis...
And I'm pretty sure the jinchuuriki has to be alive for them to extract it.
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
Yay another member for the fanclub!
I'm already searching for voice actors for the guy. Now I want more than ever the fillers to end... think of it, not only the 4th Hokage, Sasori and Deiadara, Hidan's voice is waiting ahead!!!
Edit @ Assertn
That's what I'm wondering.
If it takes the combined power of all the Akatsuki, what will they do, lug around the half-dead girl?
Perhaps Hidan's self-sacrifice ritual has something to do. It speeds the process, maybe, or it seals the monster so they can control the jinchuuriki.
Hey, maybe now that they're going to the Fire Country the girl will be rescued or something... they can't get Naruto yet, right? So unless there's another jinchuuriki around....
Maybe Sai is a jinchuuriki
Yogito is not dead. Hidan and Kakuzu were talking about knocking her out and capturing her; remember Hidan was mad about not being allowed to kill her.
As for the Fire Country Jinchuuriki... there was some talk a while back in previous threads about the possibilty of Kakashi being the Jinchuuriki for the Dog Youma, which I believe is the five tailed bijuu. Perhaps there is some validity to that and maybe that is what Asuma wanted to talk to Kakashi about.
It took 3 days along with Sasaori, and he's dead. Which means it may take longer now.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Wow...Hidan is awsome. I want to see them go after Naruto, then have Itachi appear smack them and tell them Naruto's his while Naruto runs away....what?