Anyone here a fan of ZONE?
They were a Japanese-Pop band that started in 1999 and went on until 2005. They are disbanded as of March 31, 2005. They released a lot of really emotional and fun pieces that were just so enjoyable to listen to. They were a 4 person band, and they had so much talent considering their age. Three of the members were at the age of 13, with one at the age of 11 when they started the band up. When they disbanded, the three oldest members were 19 and graduating from high school, while the fourth was about 17 and in high school.
Anyways, the youngest member of the group, Miya Nagase is pursuing a solo career in music, while I'm not sure about what happened to the others. Here are some examples of their music pieces, courtesy of YouTube:
Sotsugyou (fun song about graduation) -
Boku no Tegami (their best emotional piece, imo) -
Egao Biyori (their final created song together) -
Anyways, I hope that new listeners will find some enjoyment in their music. As for old fans, I hope you still haven't forgotten about them! :)