Game: Risk Your Life 2
I just came across an MMORPG that I would like to share with the members of GotWoot :p
It's called Risk Your Life 2: Incomplete Union and as of right now it is currently free or beta testing or something I don't know. I'm too lazy to get information on it :cool: There are two different races and there are pvp wars between them sometimes, atleast I think there are.
Here is the link to the main website http://www.ryl2.com.my/
I'm currently playing on the Poseidon Server in Channel #1. I'm a human and Assassin class. My character name is Zakeru so if you guys are playing, msg me so we can get a team going. I'm only lvl 15 as I type this post so thats not far from the start. It's lonely playing MMORPGs by yourself :(
Dude nice game, I remember part 1 which is now p2p, is this one going to stay free? Im downloading it right now.
Edit: Yeah its free but part 1 isn't
I'll try her out, downloading right now.
lately these types of games piss me of me, because of the fact that it'll be the best game at one point, then a shitty game as soon as someone else introduces another one, which makes the previous game meaningless and stupid. in other words, the making of these games never stop.
i'll give it a try, but don't expect me to get my hopes up or anything.
You guys try it yet? What are your in-game names? Make sure its Poseidon server you're in too :p
Tring it for the first time right now. Name: Lucifus or Drakeron Lucifus.
I spotted Lucifus in-game. Where is everybody else?!