Afro Samurai
Hello everyone, i'm looking for a torrent site for this particular anime. I saw a thread somewhere else and they pointed me this way but I don't see it in the torrent list. Is there anywhere else I can get it? Any help will be great, thanks in advance.
Anime doesn't exist yet...
You were fooled.
Officail web site
Anime DB Info
Only one episode so far and i dont think that it has been subbed so couldnt find any torrents.....
ha! good looking out... some people on other forums are talking about "oh i seen the first 2 eps and i wasn't impressed," i find out for myself. Anyway, i'm looking forward to it. thanks again guys.
I really don't think that any episode has been released yet, if someone said they saw the first 2 episodes my guess would be that they are lying or somehow got their hands on a leaked copy.