Seed/Destiny Art Thread
Post all your Seed art/cool screenshots whatever here. Banners and shit too, why not.
Pretty stupid that we haven't created a topic like this already but yeah, better late than never.
To start it off, I recommend you guys to go to tokyotosho and download the "Seed & Destiny Wallpaper" torrent (still fairly new, should appear if you search for Gundam Seed). It includes some rare stuff as well as some other goodies. A few shitty things too but that's to be expected.
If anyone has any cool Heine, Auel, Shani, Rey & Yzak art I'd be more than delighted. Chances are most of us have seen lots of stuff already, but there's always a possibility that someone has rarer pics and whatnot.
good site for Heine art
deckz posted some good Heine art here too
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
stop making fun of athrun! all of this is burning my eyes so much, this is like the 4th pair of eyes ive gone through...
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
With great pleasure I give you my girlfriend's work. She took a liking to Meyrin right away, so she drew this:
And to suppliment it, she drew one of her idea of Adam Cancho, the main character in my SEEDestiny fic.
She can do many styles of artistry. I have a blockier Meyrin that she drew, but I can't port it up to my website just yet. Sorry. I'm the one that did the coloring for both, she only likes to do sketches, so I just filled it in after she was done.
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
those are some nice pics felix, especially zaft heaven and zaft grads
here are some pics from some episodes that i really liked
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
Those are so DAMN awesome! Great finds! I particularly love Shiho, ZAFT Heaven (CUTE) & Zaft Grads.
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
I made this a while ago using the screen caps of one of the Endings. Even posted it up before, but since there's a new thread I might as well put it up again. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
These kick ass! Steller and Auel were great in Destiny and never should have been killed off.
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
Seriously. It's about the druggies, used to only be about the old ones, but now the Destiny trio ("the block word fuckers") too. Lots of nice art, screenshots and the funniest sense of humor ever to appear in a shrine. So I'm serious. Best shrine ever. GO THERE.
Another good shrine, about Auel this time
Has a bunch of pics and stuff that at least I haven't seen before. Pretty good site.
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
I loved Natarle. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
I just remembered about this one. When everyone thought Destiny Gundam was a megazord:
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
lmao I saw that somewhere before.
Shinn: It's morphing time!!!!!
I love the art. looks great
Seed/Destiny Art Thread
Simply beautiful.
... It also reminds me of Satan from "Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne."
Seed/Destiny Art Thread