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..........but..........wait..........but.......... wtf.........
Um... if it's one in 10,000 why doesn't this happen more offten then I mean how many Hens are there in the world, and I only hear of this now....Quote:
The sex change is thought to be a one in 10,000 rarity, caused by soaring testosterone levels.
yeah, for something that happens one in every ten thousand, though rare, why was this not told to the public until now or why didn't i hear about it until now?
there are alot of things that aren't adding up. also, they didn't explain why it started changing and what caused it. someone better disect that thing before showing something like this.
my thoughts exactly...Quote:
Originally Posted by Phoenix20578
then I got this stupid idea for KFC...
"come and eat our new transexual chicken... it tastes like... chicken!!"
nevermind that last one...
Good point. There are probably about a billion hens around the world, and if it's as common as 1 in 10000, these so-called "experts" shouldn't be so surprised by it.
Also how convenient that this one guy also claims seeing it happen to a duck and pheasant. If it's 1 in 10,000 chance for a bird to change its sex due to testosterone levels, what're the odds of ONE guy seeing it happen to 3 seperate species?? Who's got combination probability formulas still fresh in their head? It's been about four years since I studied that crap :rolleyes:Quote:
Originally Posted by UltxDarkRedX1
these articles are getting weirder and weirder...
What are the odds of the world exploding from our stupidness?
what the hell is up with these things today? nevermind.
well, some hen's on the ROID.Quote:
Originally Posted by article
i call bullshit on this. seems too impossible to be real. Im sure nature has some fail safe against random sex changes due to an increase of hormones. If this is true then i can shoot some estrogen into my chest and have a pair of D cups...hey, if i do it 10, 000 times, its bound to work atleast once rite? :rolleyes:
I agree. Until I see more evidence than a rather short article quoting some random English farmer, I'm gonna have to remain skeptical.
That would be something if it were true though. Cuz, y'know, we'd have to force Assassin to show us his D-cups and stuff.
I think refraining from that and just watching Kasimasi is much more safe and comfortable...Quote:
Originally Posted by Assassin
Seriously though, any expert that reasonably should be quoted should also have experience on the subject. The Poultry Club dude had it with a duck, and thus was a relevant person to quote. And he only said it's known to happen to pheasants, not that he would have had also such a bird.
There's not really anything really weird about this. If you have extra amounts of the hormone of the opposite sex in your veins, it does affect. Most of the external features, aside from the "necessary attributes to become a father (or mother), are things that develop after birth, and are a result of the levels of the effects of the appropriate hormones.
Twice if your lucky XDQuote:
Originally Posted by Assassin
Well I guess this might happen due to hormonal changes...but 1 in 10,000 is a bit common if you look at it in a world ratio. Well in that last sentence im not sure of what i said....
1 in 1,000,000,000,000 or 1 in 10^12 for short.Quote:
Originally Posted by Honoko
Originally Posted by Assassin
I think that would actually work... if a woman gets injected with a large amount of testosterone she will start to grow a beard and her voice will get deeper. If a man injects himself with oestrogen then I think he will start to develop breasts.
So don't try the experiment, you may well end up with D cups...
Imagine if it was just that the Hen left overnight and a weird Rooster just came instead? But some Jellyfish do change sex because of loneliness so.......maybe its possible:p
Hey, I mean, look at terra!:D
Things like that can also happen when a person doesn't have the proper pair of chromosomes. I just didn't think it would randomly happen to a chicken, and so frequently.Quote:
Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
This is basic bio. It can happen, or at least, it can't change its sex. It can, however, develop male attributes. A animal's sex is decided through chromosomes. I don't know how bird's gender is decided, but if it is similar to humans, it won't work.
this is freaky, what in the world is happening...