The Short Story Thread: come and share your writing
LobsterMagnet, this is not your day.
Massive 5x Post: FOR THE LOSE!
As a reward, you get your post DELETED! You're only not banned because the idea behind this thread is commendable.
This is a potentially great thread, and I encourage users to submit their ORIGINAL (not fan) fiction. But please do so in accordance with the rules.
Also, line breaks between paragraphs are an absolute neccessity for good writing. Nobody wants to read one giant glob of words.
GotWoot Moderator
I thought I'd start this thread for any of potential aspiring writers out there on the gotwoot boards. Hopefully this thread will grow into a place where members can to share pieces as well as receiving constructive feedback. This isn't supposed to be a fanfiction thread but rather place for real fiction (and potentially nonfiction) where new ideas can be shared. I myself am an aspiring writer. Right now my current ambition is to get published, but so far I'm still waiting for replies from several literary magazines where I sent out stories too. So I've decided to post some of my stuff here, I hope you enjoy it. Generally I enjoy writing parody and satire. Even my more serious pieces posses a dark sense of humor. This first one which I'm posting at first appears to be a fantasy but read on and you'll see that first appearances can be deceiving. I hope you enjoy reading this. I can't wait to hear your responses to it. For anyone else whose interested please feel free to contribute poems or stories that you have written and want to share as well. I have some other stuff, which I'll post latter if you guys are intersted but for now I hope you enjoy this one.