Tattoos, piercings? Scarification? Anything you'd like to share/show, this thread is dedicated to beautifying our temples.
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Tattoos, piercings? Scarification? Anything you'd like to share/show, this thread is dedicated to beautifying our temples.
I am scared of needles. :eek:
needles freak me out, so sry my body stays pure and clean :D
what if my "temple" is beatiful just the way it is(without any of that stuff)?
I have a cartilage piercing. I'm such a badass....
Here is some old pictures I felt like pulling out. In the arm is two 6inch plates of titanium with 13 or so screws.
2 weeks after surgery
Half a year?
I dont have any new pictures, cuz frankly Iam too lazy. I still have a scar. As for tattoos, Iam getting a band across the top of my forearm underneath my scar during the summer.
Haku wins "Most Badass Scar Of The Year" award
Holy shit dude what happened!!?? Thats a wicked wound
Got my tongue pierced and a tattoo of a bone dragon on my left arm. I will probably get another tattoo here in the next 6 months...
Did you get to keep that titanium afterwards?Quote:
Originally Posted by Arcness
Btw, no I don't have any modifications. If I did my parents would dice me up and sell off my organs.
The only piercing I have left is in my cartilage. I took the rest out but the cartilage, its sort of a victory thing for me, they take a fucking loooong time to heal. At various points I had my eyebrow pierced 4 or 5 different times throughout (not at the same time) a ring in my tongue, which just got boring, and one in the side of my lip. And when I twisted it so the ball stuck out, it burned like hell.
I have a homemade tattoo on my right bicep, a jagged cross with faith, love, hate and nothingness next to the arms. It's all black, and it was done with like a guitar string powered with a portable cd player motor. My other one, a green lifeline wrapped around my wrist, has the kanji for "slave" at the bottom. Basically the line represents that I'm still alive, but I'm chained to the world and consequently all the limitations that allow me to be free.. I'm a slave to the world's artificiality.
Uhmm I have an upside down cross in my left hand, pretty faint now, 6 cigarette burns. The rest of my scars are gone I think.
Im going to get a tatoo of a freckle and thats about as far as my parents will let me go in body modification. I REALLY want a tatoo. Besides it's my body should I enjoy it the way I want? They usually say " its gona look bad when your old..." would i care what I look like when I have a family and am in my 50's?....
I think they're probably afraid that you won't get a family if you have a tattoo.
Heretic why don't you post some pictures of your tattoos?
I have a couple but they're shit quality, I'll take some pics tomorrow.
I have the whole front of my shin tattooed as well as working on full left and right arm sleeves which are Vampire Hunter D and Transformers respectively. Ill try to get some pics uploaded at some point.
I have alot of other plans, im pretty much getting everything but my neck, hands, and feet tattooed. Some anime tattoos, but mostly traditional japanese and traditional americana.
I don't know when, but eventually I'm going to get an "X" (as in X-Japan) tattooed onto the left part of my chest, I don't know exactly how big it will be yet though.
I always wanted a tattoo but I'm too scared. Sad, I know. =(
I have 1 cartilage and 2 normal piercings on each side of my ear. I'm going to get another cartilage piercing right below my current one really soon. Piercings are so addicting!!