Naruto song? (yeah, yeah I know...)
I'm baffled, confused, and perhaps some of you think I should be thrown off the planet by now, asking this, thinking, "God, don't you KNOW already?!"
Well I don't. What on earth is the name of the song playing in #1 (one example out of many episodes) as Naruto is in class (right after being caught defacing the faces of the Hokage) and they all have to take a second test on the transformation technique. I've been through a million downloads and I've just lost my patience. I don't know where it's in too many episodes to not be on any of the soundtracks...right??
T_T *yare yare*
Naruto song? (yeah, yeah I know...)
I think what you're looking for is #7 on soundtrack 2 its called afternoon of konoha.
Naruto song? (yeah, yeah I know...)
You are my f-ing hero do you know that? If you were here right now I'd tackle you and shower you with cookies and candy. Finally...I can now go to bed in peace...
Naruto song? (yeah, yeah I know...)
I wasn't quite sure if that was the one you were looking for. np I hate trying to look for songs with little to no information to go on.
Naruto song? (yeah, yeah I know...)
That is indeed it...went right over to Naruto fan and snatched it friend Derek thinks I'm nuts because I went all crazy on him, haha. ^_~