Ciber is bored and started cleaning.
New place to discuss Blood+
Blood+ topic has been resurrected. This topic is locked.
Black Cat, due to a witching hex (and the fact that it sucks), was not able to be brought back from the dead. The new discussion for that one will stay.
GotWoot Moderator
Yes, but where do they go to download them?
http://www.bakakozou.com/ I like their subs better than:
Since Blood+ has been licensed you will not find it at AnimeSuki or some of the torrent trackers. So going to the website is like getting the milk from the farm, or something.
Oh so that explains why I don't see Blood+ on Animesuki anymore. So it has finally been licensed.
I prefer Bakakozou subs too and usually get them off their irc channel.
And I kinda don't get the milk from the farm analogy...