Originally posted by: a_odessey
has anyone else experienced the extreme stupidity and annoyance of stupid little 4-5th graders screaming about naruto wherever they go ever since cartoon network stuck it on toonami? cause at my new school, just recently, i noticed these weird kids looking on google video for gaara videos and naruto music videos and they're all like, "gaara's so sweet", or "i wish i was gaara". then i tell them naruto's being gay right now by giving us crappy fillers and that they should get into bleach instead but no.... "oh yeah? well your retarded! and i've seen bleach!",
"duh, on cartoon network."
but by then i'm already walking away. but seriously, anyone else seen any of these people?
or is it just me. [img][/img]
are you in elementary? You probably also did that when you were young. I still wish I could be like gaara.