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Dont tell me you dont recognize that Zanpaktou
I'll give you a hint Terra, he doens't get sunburned, and he has a tough time buying matching clothes.
Seriously, nests deserves the custom title "Manga Tease"
I don't recognize it the soul slayer just spill it out who do you think it is?
I guess they think it is Tousen since he's the only black Shinigami we've seen...
You nubs, it's Tousen.
Edit: Bud beat me to it.
Thats right it's Tousen Kaname
ichigo is in trouble if aizen meddled with tousen [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img]
Man I hope Tousen is Vizord
I hope Tousen gets owned like a noob
Woah, huge plot twist!
I hope that Tousen has gotten a power-up because right now he doesn't stand a chance against Ichigo in shikai, let alone if he unleashed his Bankai. I wonder if becoming Vizard changes your Shikai and Bankai?
Unless he's going to be fighting Hitsugaya or something I suppose.
And also: If he is a Visard, he's going to be the only one we know about on Aizens side. It also makes it more likely that Gin and Aizen himself have become Vizard. I shudder to think of the sheer raw power Aizen now has.
Tousen is going to help Ichigo.
I'd be a cookie on it.
Three reasons why Tousen will Help Ichigo:
1. Will kill Grimmjow b/c of his insubordination
2. Sees some "path with the least blood" crap again
3. The fact that he's blind randomly made him walk that way and now he will randomly swing his sword and accidentily hit Grimmy
I think Tousen was sent to kidnap satsuki, maybe she developed some ability Aizen is interested in, or maybe he was sent to take grimjaw back to Hueco Mundo, he maybe disobeyed an order, but he is a Espada.
Shit, i really want to know whats gonna happen to ichigo, he really needs to go VIZARD on Grinjaw. Cant wait for the raw chapter[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img].
alot of ppl are under estimating tousen because he was beaten by kenpachi
kenpachi has way more vitality than ichigo and he already knows how to fight with 1 eye patch , it would be way harder for ichigo to beat tousen if tousen does his bankai
tousen? holy crap. are the arrancar not good enough
doesnt it look like hollow-ichi is coming back?