inuyasha and ranma anime->manga transition
Ok, I've seen all 167 episodes of inuyasha, (and the first three of the four movies). And I would like to start reading the manga. However I dont particullarily feel like buying/reading all the stuff at the begginning that I've already seen. Also I've heard that there are some slight differences in the 2 stories, so where would be a good place to start reading the inuyasha manga?
Similarly, I've seen all the episodes of ranma, both movies, and all the OVA's. But again I dont want to start from the beginning, so where would be a good place for me to start reading the ranma manga?
Thx in advance
inuyasha and ranma anime->manga transition
For Ranma, you really don't have much of a choice, you need to pretty much start over and re-read what you already saw. There are many eps of the series that are original to it, and the movies are completely original material as well. There are minor parts and chapters omitted from the series, not important overall, but if you want to find them you'd have to dig through and find them.
The series "ends" around volume 22 (I think) but you miss out on a lot. The series mirrors the manga for the first three, maybe four volumes.
No way around it, with as much original material in both the series and manga, you'd need to just read the series from the beginning.