the new gundam seed destiny symphony CD is out
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the new gundam seed destiny symphony CD is out
is that the best you can do with details? anyways, downloading..
you should already know what it is though since gundam seed had one too
i don't know about that either..XD
Okay, this thing is the greatest fucking thing ever. London Symphony Orchestra + Gundam = YES PLEASE!
Kanashimi ni Shizumu Setsuna no Yurikago literally made me cry.
This has been out a couple of weeks ago. I enjoyed the soundtrack.
I just loaded it up, god this is beautiful. I'm gonna burn this to disk and give it to my grandfather, and he won't even know it's anime music (he hates anime).
Can someone please seed this?
sure i'll seed for today and tomorrow
A bit late but, outstanding album. Especially if you enjoy symphonic music obviously [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]