Tenjou Tenge OVA 1
if i try to download tenjou tenge ultimate fight 1, i get the error that the torrent file is empty, i already downloaded ova 2, that worked, i just want to know if theres another torrent that i need or something [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Tenjou Tenge OVA 1
that has both of them, but its from shinsen subs. I dont know where to get the Aone version (which I think youd prefer)
Tenjou Tenge OVA 1
well yeah^^
mhh, okay ill download this but if anyone can tell me where i can get aones ova 1 id be very happy, thx darkmetal
Tenjou Tenge OVA 1
do you have DC++? you can connect to an anime hub and probably download it off of there.
Tenjou Tenge OVA 1
Have you made any sort of effort on visiting the sites listed here?
For example, Boxtorrents and such?
Guess not...
Tenjou Tenge OVA 1
as a matter of fact i did, well most of them, but the torrent files just empty from keep so...
Tenjou Tenge OVA 1
May I ask what "files just empty from keep" means?
You probably are doing something wrong with the torrent... Maybe you have an outdated bittorrent client, or you are not saving the torrent to your harddisk first...
Reffer to the BT Support section...
Tenjou Tenge OVA 1
well, im using azureus and my client says the torrent file is empty, i think thissll mean that the source isnt existing anymore, and no, i do know how to use bt, its not my first time so my client is up to date and im saving the torrent o.O
Tenjou Tenge OVA 1
I'll give it another try when I get home on thursday, but I downloaded this summer this from boxtorrents and i didn't have any problems...
Tenjou Tenge OVA 1
i downloaded it once already, dunno, somehow got lost, i know it worked, but it doesnt anymore [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Tenjou Tenge OVA 1
Tenjou Tenge OVA 1
that link works, thx
*adding boxtorrents to favorites[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]*
Tenjou Tenge OVA 1
Didn't I recommend you to use boxtorrents earlier?
Why the heck did you say you did?
Tenjou Tenge OVA 1
all i said was that i looked at most of the sites, didnt look at boxtorrents cause id have to sign up, didnt want that ...
so sry for the misunderstanding^^
edit: the dvd rip is great, thx Jadugar