I think the fillers are a good thing...
A number of anime actually stray off from the manga. I've heard (don't know how accurate the information is) that Full Metal Alchemeist's ending in the anime is different from the manga because the series didn't let the manga finish before it did. I heard the same about Hellsing and a few other manga.
It's obvious that the non-manga story writers are not good at all. Most of the time, (most = 99.99999reapting%) the fillers are crap, with bad animation and a lot of characters doing out of character things. So, imagine if the anime didn't let the manga get ahead, and instead of filler, we have the non-manga writers continue on with the story with thier own story line based on the earlier parts of the manga? Can you even imagine what that would be like?
There are already several threads dedicated to discussing fillers. Please use one of them. It's always best to do a search before starting a new thread. Locked.
GotWoot Moderator