online manga?
is there a place wear you can go to read bleach on line kinda like with naruto i just got done watching ep 61 and i hear the mang explains things alot better? there wear way to many things that he brought up that had me like "but wut about" ect ect
i notice the subs on this pageonly go back to 202? is there a site like this for bleach as well?
online manga?
online manga?
ah very nice thank you bro i owe you a day at my crib wear i will treat you to a PBJ sandwich that will melt yo face =)
online manga?
I get "this page does not exist" when I try that link. Any help?
online manga?
online manga?
i was wondering the same thing..LoL..thanks Jadugar..you're a babe [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
online manga?
Yeah, thanks, that did the trick.