naruto 3 on gamecube emulator
for anyone that's interested, you can direct download naruto3 for the gamecube here:
part 1)
part 2)
part 3)
part 4)
you need to download all four parts in order to extract the gcm file to use with the dolphin emulator which can be downloaded here:
here are some screenshots to give you an idea of framerates and quality, i'm running a p4 2.6ghz pc and i get about 5fps out of the emulator, cpu speed not graphics card speed makes all the difference in performance:
Moved to Gaming Discussion.
GotWoot Moderator
naruto 3 on gamecube emulator
naruto 3 on gamecube emulator
where did you get the game? Its taking a long time for the rom to download.
naruto 3 on gamecube emulator
JESUS. That's awesome. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] Thanks a lot!
Edit: Doesn't look like it works with Getright though [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
naruto 3 on gamecube emulator
the file is about 1gb split over 4 parts - lol, so it will take a while to download and i'm pretty sure megaupload prevents stuff like getright working.
looks like naruto 4 has recently come out too - seen it on a few torrent sites but unlikely to download it anytime soon since my pc is in a bit of a mess at the mo (installing new case, adding water cooling and need new sound card since i blew the onboard audio)..
megaupload is a bit crappy but unless someone has some free hosting and plenty of bandwidth to upload to instead, we'll just have to make do with it.
naruto 3 on gamecube emulator
What I'm worried about is the download dying... but maybe megaupload have durable lines [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
naruto 3 on gamecube emulator
This is really awesome, thanks so much for those links Nasman. Now if I could get my hands on a Gamecube controller adaptor for my laptop, that'll really sweeten the deal! Nasman, could you post the torrent link for Naruto 4 by any chance?
naruto 3 on gamecube emulator
naruto 3 on gamecube emulator
sweet, ill see if it works
it seems that comments have said it doesnt work on a modded gamecube or emulator
naruto 3 on gamecube emulator
no, most games u can play on an emulator. However the speed for most games is Insanely slow and almost unplayable, even with a godly computer you'll only get like 5-6 FPS in a fight with naruto [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img], i get about 13ish or somthing fps in the menus, and in fights i get about 3.5 fps -.- lol, so basicly its not really to have fun with, just to see waht type of game it is, n the modes / characters n stuff.( you can play but its gonna be insanely annoying XD )
also in case your wondering i think 60 FPS is normal speed for a game XD, and if it doesn't work for you just look for some different plugins. Plugins can be found here just go "Dolphin" section >: )