I'm really embarassed to ask this kind of stupid question but I was wondering how do I change my avatar. I forgot about where I got to access my profile because I really would like to change it to something different.
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I'm really embarassed to ask this kind of stupid question but I was wondering how do I change my avatar. I forgot about where I got to access my profile because I really would like to change it to something different.
Go to profile, then look all the way down until you get to Author Icons. You can then upload one from your PC, or use another preset. If you upload, it needs to be a .gif
How do I convert a jpg to a gif.?
In paint, save the file with the extention .gif. In photoshop, go to save for web and it will configure it for you.
How do I scale my picture so it fits into the 60x60 size. I'm trying to do it but I keep on losing most of my picture and having it cut out.
Also what the hell does it mean when it say variable temp structure is undefined?
If you don't have photoshop you should really get it. Or you could go to the fanart section and have someone help you with your avatar.
If you want to change the size without losing anything just go to (image > image size) then you insert the size you want.
So wait are you saying that I can't change the images size without using photoshop? Is there anyway I can do it without it because I don't think I have photoshop.
I can't think of any other good way. As I said, you can post the pic ypu want as avatar in the fanart thread and ask someone to help you. You could even post it here and could take a look at it for you.Quote:
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
So wait are you saying that I can't change the images size without using photoshop? Is there anyway I can do it without it because I don't think I have photoshop.
upload it to imageshack.us i think they have an option to resize pics...
You can just keep trying to make it smaller with paint until you get it right with the 60x60. Or, the easier way, just post and I'll resize it for you.
go google infranview or infraview one of the two, you can resize with that and its free.
Here's the picture please resize the thing so I can use it as an avatar
How do some of you have .jpg for avatars?
here you go, resized and changed to gif for u, just save this image to your computer then upload it on the gotwoot avatar thing XD
and a link to the image case that doesn't working for some reason -.-
quaker parrot 60 60 gif avatar G0$u link
Thanks again for resizing it. You'll know if it's successful if my avatar changes.