Chp 285 -> Kishi had to queer it up.
Sai is exposing his belly button like a homosexual. The guy has no mid-riff.
Even the new Team leader of Team Kakashi looks creepy.
Jesus Christ.
First it was Haku, then the boy-loving Orochimaru, now Sai.
Even Naruto said something queer like "Sasuke looks a lot better than Sai"
Chp 285 -> Kishi had to queer it up.
couldn't this have been posted in the naruto 85 thread
I am starting to wonder which team Kishimoto is batting for
Chp 285 -> Kishi had to queer it up.
Originally posted by: CapsuleCorpJX
Sai is exposing his belly button like a homosexual. The guy has no mid-riff.
Even the new Team leader of Team Kakashi looks creepy.
Jesus Christ.
First it was Haku, then the boy-loving Orochimaru, now Sai.
Even Naruto said something queer like "Sasuke looks a lot better than Sai"
I agree. I think Kishi at least has some homosexual (or girls who love gays) assistants that are helping with the story line.
I just thought it merit its own thread.
Its kind of pissing me off. I can deal with Orochimaru, he's a bad guy. I can deal with Haku, I heard somewhere that Haku was suppose to be a girl, but Kishi changed at the last minute so Naruto won't hit a girl.
But Sai and Kakashi's replacement takes the cake, I hate them both.
Chp 285 -> Kishi had to queer it up.
Or maybe hes just aiming at the yaoi fangirl market theres a lot of those chicks around im guessing they did market research and found them to be a major target group
Chp 285 -> Kishi had to queer it up.
Damn fucking market. What happened to making a series for the pride of it?
Chp 285 -> Kishi had to queer it up.
Damn fucking market. What happened to making a series for the pride of it?
Edit: srry about the double post. my bad.
Chp 285 -> Kishi had to queer it up.
the entertainment industry doesn't do so hot if you don't pay attention to what the viewers want.
Besides, that was only an assumption
Chp 285 -> Kishi had to queer it up.
He could just be reminiscing of the 80s. In the 80s it was queer if guys didn't wear their sleeve-less belly button shirts.
Chp 285 -> Kishi had to queer it up.
Chp 285 -> Kishi had to queer it up.
Its not just Kishimoto its the whole japanese entertaiment industry and is not homosexual exactly they are called metrosexual I think. guys who look very feminine but are actaully straight or playboys if you pay attention a lot video games have had this kind a characters for a while.
Chp 285 -> Kishi had to queer it up.
Men shouldn't impersonate queers.
I have no respect for those who try to act one when they're the other.
Chp 285 -> Kishi had to queer it up.
Originally posted by: CapsuleCorpJX
Sai is exposing his belly button like a homosexual. The guy has no mid-riff.
Even the new Team leader of Team Kakashi looks creepy.
Jesus Christ.
First it was Haku, then the boy-loving Orochimaru, now Sai.
Even Naruto said something queer like "Sasuke looks a lot better than Sai"
I think that people who must read this much into the sexuality of fantasy characters should be reading into their own sexuality.
A wise-ass name Mr. Robinson once said...."You hate most in others what you hate most in yourself"
Who cares if some of the characters are acting ambiguous and androgenous. More power to them.
Edit for spelling.
Chp 285 -> Kishi had to queer it up.
Originally posted by: iMUSTbeTHEdevil
Edit for spelling.
That's funny. You of all people should know how to spell "androgenous"
Chp 285 -> Kishi had to queer it up.
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: iMUSTbeTHEdevil
Edit for spelling.
That's funny. You of all people should know how to spell "androgenous"
Spelling mistake was on another word. I didnt look at that tool! It wasnt the spelling that I thought was important. It was the message. And further more "Insertnfuckyou" I dont recall asking for your opinion!
Love Ya.
Chp 285 -> Kishi had to queer it up.
I guess I'm not creeped out by gay's as much as flamboyant metrosexual assholes. And thats how Sai's coming off.
Shit the Japanese need some Fiddy cent in their diet.
Chp 285 -> Kishi had to queer it up.
I'm fully expecting Sai to get a belly button ring in the next few chapters..
Chp 285 -> Kishi had to queer it up.
You guys are just over reacting.. and who cares is there are homosexual tendecies. Grow up .. OMG BUTT SEXKZ :/
Chp 285 -> Kishi had to queer it up.
Originally posted by: Hikyuu
You guys are just over reacting.. and who cares is there are homosexual tendecies. Grow up .. OMG BUTT SEXKZ :/
It's not that easy...
Chp 285 -> Kishi had to queer it up.
It's hard not to think in a sexual manner when Sai's mid-riff is in my face on every page.
Chp 285 -> Kishi had to queer it up.
Wow, you guys need to get a grip. You won't turn gay just because a character looks a bit feminine.
And you the idiot who made this topic. Since when is it, as you put it "queer" to admit that another guy looks good? I do it all the time but that doesn't make me gay.