Happy Thanksgiving to all you Gotwoot people in the USA. Have fun stuffing your faces later on.
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Happy Thanksgiving to all you Gotwoot people in the USA. Have fun stuffing your faces later on.
happy thanksgiving to you as well, and everyone else. don't worry phoenix, i will!
Happy ThanksGiving
HAPPY THANKS GIVING! ITS TURKEY TIME, BITCH![img]i/expressions/beer.gif[/img]
well i wont be eating turkey
Happy Thanksgiving guys.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. I want to give God thanks for Gotwoot, it is a forum that has allowed me to meet many people (such as Terra, Masamuneehs, PSJ, and everyone else who has argued with me at some point [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] ). Some of you may not like me cause of our disagreements, but I love you all. I give respect to those who make a stand and defend it, you have my deepest respects. So go out and devour those turkeys, they're waiting for u
Thats okay, its the spirit that counts[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]Besides, theres always the mashed potatoes and GRAVY![img]i/expressions/beer.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: aznroyale
well i wont be eating turkey
or chicken, because turkey is too god damn dry..Quote:
Originally posted by: God#2
Thats okay, its the spirit that counts[img][/img]Besides, theres always the mashed potatoes and GRAVY![img][/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: aznroyale
well i wont be eating turkey
thats why i hate turkey............dry like shit i got to drink a lot of water while eating turkey
well no offence just make a decent turkey -.- lol, turkey isn't suppose to be dry, ( mine and basicly all my friends turkeys are usally moist XD ) just whoevers cooking in your house is incredibly retarded when it comes to cooking turkeys lol ( i live in canada so im passed thanksgiving neways but still make couple chickens stuff with dressing with other stuff once in a while XD )
My turkey is just fine, teach your mothers how to cook.
Enjoy americans, stuff yourself so that you get even fatter ^^ (stereotype power)
Yeah.. well.. go listen to some more corpse paint-wearing bands you swedish meatball!
you know what they say, eat until your stomach hurts, otherwise you will insult the cook.
and yes, its time to make us fatter
my American History teacher said this is the time and year that eating too much is a problem
We're not fat. Everyone else is just skinny. GAIN SOME WAIT DAMMIT!Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Enjoy americans, stuff yourself so that you get even fatter ^^ (stereotype power)
Lol! you mean WEIGHT?
Happy Thanksgiving guys [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
and yes I want to gain some weight, but my damn METABOLISM!
lols for some reason every single time i eat thanksgiving dinner i always eat to much n get a stomache ake -.- lol seems like i dont put to much on my plate buts its so dam filling lol.
i have the same problem =\ im going to eat a ton today and i wont gain a pound T_T. Anyways happy Thanksgiving guys have a good one.Quote:
[i]and yes I want to gain some weight, but my damn METABOLISM!