In an ancient kingdom of the Far East called Jushin, there were royal secret agents called Angyo Onshi, or Amen Osa. With the power imbued inside their Mahais, they were able to summon armies of soldiers to their aid. These Amen Osa were sent by the King to all parts of the land to protect commoners from corrupt governors, dangerous outlaws, and monsters of the wild.
But Jushin has fallen into ruin. And now, one man, Munsu, still wanders the land as an Amen Osa in search of the man who destroyed everything he once knew and loved...
A Korean import to Japan that is published simultaneously in both countries. The themes become more mature as the plot develops. The manga is of the fantasy and action genre. The manga draws inspiration from ancient Korean government, Korean classical literature, and Korean folktales, and the author hopes you'll come to appreciate Korean culture while you're enjoying the art and the story.