Game: Mario Kart DS
Anybody else have mario kart DS? It's a pretty sweet conglomerate of the snes, n64, gcn, and gba kart games, with tons of new stuff as well. Best of all, you can play online with anyone in the world as long as you have a wireless router in your house.
Anyway, if anyone has the game, add me to their friend's list. My code is:
Mario Kart DS
i'll be getting it with the red ds soon anyway and i'm not sure if i heard correctly, but they said you could just by a cable for ds and plug it into your computer. anyways, sounds good to me.
Mario Kart DS
i got it but i can't conect. i have an error that said i need to like do something with my wireless router
Mario Kart DS
i think there's a cable or something....don't know the details. But i have a wireless router anyway, so i'm all set.
aznimperialx, are you familiar with WEP?
Mario Kart DS
Mario Kart DS
so, how does it work when you're online anyway, what's the maximum number of players in a game, is it still 8? also, what's the point of the keep tracking in win-lose record? sorry, just new to the "system", you know?
Mario Kart DS
aznimperialx......its kinda hard to explain WEP without being able to access your router myself.....
look at a guide that comes with your router
4 players online. You keep track cause......its fun? why else do you keep records?
Mario Kart DS
i hate you guys with all my heart for making this thread fall halfway down the page
Mario Kart DS
well, not many people probably play this game, yet. so, just be patient, i guess..
Mario Kart DS
My router isn't wireless so I'm getting an adapter from Nintendo ... I should be able to play in a few days, Assertn.
Mario Kart DS
Good, I was hoping that you, one of the few whom i knew had a DS, wouldnt let me down raven [img]i/expressions/heart.gif[/img]
Mario Kart DS
i will have it soon ^^, i just order :
Mario Kart Bundle (Nintendo DS)
Wi-Fi USB Connector (Nintendo DS)
also ^^
Super Mario 64 (Nintendo DS)
Mario Kart DS
how much is the USb connecter?
Mario Kart DS
you guys don't need the connector if you have a wireless router
Mario Kart DS
well i dont have a wireless router, so i do need the usb wi-fi connector, it cost me 39.99$CA, US it should be arround 35$, but im not sure
Mario Kart DS
Dang....you could probably find wireless routers for less money than that
edit: for example, might i recommend this?
Mario Kart DS
I hope I get this and a DS for x-mas [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Mario Kart DS
well the ds im getting is my x-max present.. so lol
and why would i need a router?, i only got 1 computer lol
Mario Kart DS
because...you do...everybody needs a router.
Mario Kart DS
because the difference between a wireless router and the USB dongle is.......
Router: puts up to (at least) 4 computers wired and hundreds of wireless devices onto the same internet connection
Dongle: puts up to 5 DS units onto the same internet connection
Router: compatible with any computer/wi-fi system
Dongle: compatible with nintendo DS, and only plugs into PC systems w/ windows XP
Router: Wireless range varies depending on type, but can usually cover a whole house and sometimes even the neighbor's.
Dongle: claims to extend up to 30 feet.