Final Fantasy VII - The craze ain't over!
I figure we need a topic like this since DIRGE OF CERBERUS is actually coming around (slated for a march 2006 release in the US). In more recent news concerning this title, androgynous j-popstar Gackt (if you don't know who that is, use google) will voice and motion capture one of the more important characters of the game, in addition to performing 2 original songs for it. Good news for his fans, no doubt.
In other FF7 gaming news, I hope you have already seen the FF7 PS3 tech demo, which is a remake of the original FF7 opening CG movie - but for the PS3 of course. VERY sexy, and sparks new hope for a complete remake of the title (something the fans have been screaming for in many years now).
I wish FF6 had this kind of popularity, what wouldn't I give for a "Locke's Great Treasure Hunt" game, complete with sleazy humor, thievery and stupid mini-games involving the sexiest thief ever!
Final Fantasy VII - The craze ain't over!
Terra, any info on this Dirge of Cerberus thing?
Maybe I'm just out of the loop, but I haven't even heard of it...
And, yes, the PS3 tech demo is so far only that, a tech demo, but I honestly think its the appetizer setting the tone for the main dish to come... Entree: FF7 remake, buon appettite!
Final Fantasy VII - The craze ain't over!
i havent heard of it Dirge Of Cerberus, staring the crew from FFVII? or just cloud?
Final Fantasy VII - The craze ain't over!
the new ff7 looks pretty badass to me. the remake anyway. I never got into the first one because by the time i did i just couldn't get into it because of the horid graphics. So if this ever comes out it'll be perfect.
Final Fantasy VII - The craze ain't over!
not cloud, its about vincent valentine. rpg and i believe its played like devil may cry or something.
Final Fantasy VII - The craze ain't over!
awsome, makes it even better.
Final Fantasy VII - The craze ain't over!
This is probably one of the best fan sites for information.
Final Fantasy VII - The craze ain't over!
"Dirge of Cerberus has been described as a "Shooter RPG", combining both RPG and Third-Person Shooter style. Kitase decided on this style because he's a fan of action gun games, and decided to go with that particular style for Dirge of Cerberus. Despite this, there are still going to be RPG characteristic (such as a strong focus on storyline) because creating a simple shooter game was boring to design."
This is going to be SO good.
Final Fantasy VII - The craze ain't over!
Truly wonderful.
Vincent has always been the character I wish to see more emphasis on (though, I guess as a "hidden" character back in VII, they could only do so much...).
All I have to say is that because his past was so intriguing, I can only hope that his new adventure will be equally so.
Final Fantasy VII - The craze ain't over!
Theres also an online mode for FFVII[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]oC
Final Fantasy VII - The craze ain't over!
I love FFVII to no end and I'll surely buy Dirge of Cerberus and the new remake if they do it but with all those FFVII releases that are coming I fear that Sony will start to exploit FFVII. I just hope it doesn't turn out like what Nintendo is doing with Mario(Mario Tennis, Paint, Golf, Party, Kart, Pinball, Superstar Baseball, Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix!!)
Final Fantasy VII - The craze ain't over!
sounds like KH game play except with guns...not to mock it, seriously it sounds like its going to be like KH where you walk around the map, but when u enter a battle its a live battle.
Final Fantasy VII - The craze ain't over!
Originally posted by: Deblas
Mario Tennis, Paint, Golf, Party, Kart, Pinball, Superstar Baseball, Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix!!)
you forgot mario sunshine lol
and for ff7, there is nothing thats can tell us thats they are going to make a whole remake of thats superb game, since thats just a stupid tech demo... maybe if we kill one or two person at sony, saying if they don't make a remake the masacre will continue? lol
and for dirige of cerberus... why the hell is yuffie the most annoying character (after cait sith) in ff7 is going to be in this game....
Final Fantasy VII - The craze ain't over!
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
I wish FF6 had this kind of popularity, what wouldn't I give for a "Locke's Great Treasure Hunt" game, complete with sleazy humor, thievery and stupid mini-games involving the sexiest thief ever!
I still remember when Square released those Final Fantasy VI 3D character renders and got everyone hyped for a remake.
Those fuckers.
Final Fantasy VII - The craze ain't over!
i saw a clip for DoC on Cinematech on G4 its going to be awesome they should have the clip on in the Cinematech section ill look
edit: couldnt find it but i came across some Final Fantasy: Before Crisis things. id check them out but im tired and ill probably forget to. so could someone give me some info?
Final Fantasy VII - The craze ain't over!
Originally posted by: Zinobi
edit: couldnt find it but i came across some Final Fantasy: Before Crisis things. id check them out but im tired and ill probably forget to. so could someone give me some info?
It's a game for the Foma i900 mobile phone(the phone that Cloud had in the movie) that's only available in Japan. It's a prequel and you play as the Turks. It mainly focuses on the advancement of the Turks in Midgar up to the events of Final Fantasy VII.
Final Fantasy VII - The craze ain't over!
Final Fantasy VII - The craze ain't over!
OMG! I didn't freaking know that they already had the gameplay vids, so far it looks cool, plus the tie and suit reminds me of him when he was on the Turks [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Final Fantasy VII - The craze ain't over!
the game is out in jap since jan 26, i was downloading it, but then regret it cause it was in japanese...
Final Fantasy VII - The craze ain't over!
Dirge of Cerberus
Heres a long video about DoC and with fmvs n such, including a few shots of Vincent in his limit break forms!