Game: Dance Dance Revolution!
Today, one of my friends was teasing me and said, "I bet you were out drinking all weekend."
Me: "Haha, actually I was playing DDR for most of the weekend."
Friend: "Wow, I'd rather admit to being an alcoholic."
My first introduction to DDR was last Christmas when my brother brought his game and dance mats home at Christmas. I was instantly hooked. What other game combines video games, music, coordination, and cheesy graphics in such a fun, social, and active way? We even managed to get a lot of the older relatives to try it out. Even my grandma tried a song. So, even though I was separated from DDR for such a long time, it never ceased to be one of my favourite games.
Fast forward to last week. Some of my friends all pitched in and got me DDR for my birthday! Yay!! So, as you can imagine, I've been playing like nonstop. DDR is on par with Guild Wars in terms of my addiction to it. We've already unlocked like 20 songs, and my housemates keep dragging me away from my homework to play. .....ok, so maybe they don't drag me.....but they tell me to come play and how can I not!
So, come talk about this fabulous game!