What days do the subers release there subs?
I am sorry if this has been asked before and I know this is what the search function is for I just really suck at using searches, I never type in the right thing but here what I would like to know. What day of the week does the new naruto eps normaly come out? I know i got 153 wednesday/thursday but that is also the first day i tryed to get an ep other then all the batches i dled from 1-135 plus 136-152 from reality lapse. Once again sorry if this wask if I have to be baned for asking a question that was asked already that ok just email me the answer at "steve45377@mebtel.net:, I won't need anything else after this.
Thanks in advance
What days do the subers release there subs?
well naruto are playing almost every webnesday in japon (i think) and like 6 or 12 hour later you can find the sub version on dattebayo website, but if you are waiting for AonE sub you have to wait longer than thats, like 1 or 2 month
What days do the subers release there subs?
like Bioalien said, it airs wednesday in japan, and usually by thursday nite or friday morning the DB sub is out. however thats not a gurantee since the subbers can sometimes have other things to do as well. As for the Aone sub, u'll be waiting for a while since they seem to be busy with other stuff currently. if they should start again, expect their subs to be out a day or 2 after DB's. again, no gurantee.
What days do the subers release there subs?
AonE never specifically stated that they will stop subbing Naruto. Naruto is pretty much their most popular series. Why would they stop? They're on a little hold right now probably because the school year started. Once they get the hang of it, we'll be seeing 2 releases a day for a while...maybe even 3.
Oh and to answer your question, fansub episodes don't have a release schedule. They're free for us done by hard working people, that only get recognitiion and no money for their work. Be appreciative. The episodes will come out when they are done.
You know it's against TOS here to ask these kinds of things because it's showing how rude you are.
What days do the subers release there subs?
maybe they got so excited in this very exciting filler episodes that they had to do a break
What days do the subers release there subs?
they're probably on a break anyway but have the raw files and alot of the work done. i mean how little work could they have not done after all this time?
and the way i see it, th emore time they spend (assuming it's not much more), the better the episodes will be in terms of quality..