Ragnarok The Animation
I found a few webbie that have the torrent, however, when i try to download...the keep showing "connecting" and couldn't start.
I finish downloading epsiode 1-26(complete) at animesuki about 2 weeks ago. However, episode 4,6,11,13,15 and the sfv episode was an incomplete download. It cannot be open.
My folder file size is onli 2.6GB while the file size of the complete download is about 3.6GB or 4.4GB.
I can't watch when there is missing episode and i will miss out some of the storyline.
Please, someone tell me which webbie have the torrent and there is someone seeding it.
Any kind soul with the anime and could kindy send it to me, please contact me at smli_88@hotmail.com at msn. Thank you very very much.
Ragnarok The Animation
You can find a torrent at Gotwoot.net
Ragnarok The Animation
I tried. When i went to gotwoot webbie, i click on the torrent tab. However i couldn't find ragnarok the animation torrent.
I could find a search button at the website also. So i really have no idea how to get the torrent. Please guide me through.
once again, thanks !
Ragnarok The Animation
I think i found it.Thanks you very much (i juz notice that i can scroll down the torrentlist...)
Sorry for very one who took the time to read. Sorry, sorry.
But thanks alot