The BEST Gundam Series
In my opinion, as much as I love almost all the Gundam series, the best of the best would have to be the Zeta Gundam since it was that series that got me hooked on Gundam in general (Seed would follow in a close 2nd place). However, SEED had me hooked all the way through when I first saw it. It was like a drug (if any of u remember ur similar experience), I needed more and more and more. The action was great, the suspense had me on my seat. The whole series was just done right (except explanations but I didn't care since the series had me wanting more action and suspense). So, Ya, SEED gets my vote!
The BEST Gundam Series
uhh is gundam G the same as G gundam?
The BEST Gundam Series
Zeta Gunam, it just pwned all
The BEST Gundam Series
From what i have seen i have to vote SEED. G gundam is close though and so is Zeta however i haven't seen all of it.
The BEST Gundam Series
Seed of course. And it would be foolish to believe otherwise, making a poll in a forum where everyone are AU freaks (with few exceptions).
So yeah, for AU, Seed. After that G, then X, then Wing.
For UC, it's generally believed to be Z, but I haven't watched all of that so I'll say 0079 then War in the pocket. (0080)
The BEST Gundam Series
I'm going with the original Mobile Suit Gundam series. I believe it's the best because it's where all the others came from. SEED had lots of elements in it that really reminded me of MSG :
(Earth finally developing an MS late into the war along with a Whiteface knockoff, the ArchAngel)
(a civilian happening to stumble upon the Gundam and becoming its pilot because noone else around was qualified)
(that same civilian turning going through all the growing pains of war and turning into one of the best fighters ever, later revealed to be genetically predisposed to be an elite soldier)
(there are desert arcs in both...granted this is a distant connection)
(the Goufs, the Earth developing models off the Gundam/Strike later in the series GMs/Daggers)
(the Whiteface/ArchAngel being almost totally on its own for numerous episodes)
(a masked villain)
SEED was great because the animation really brought alot of excitement and the battles and character development were engrossing, but I'll give the credit where it's due, to the originator of the whole series.
After MSG I'd put Seed, then Zeta, then Wing (got me into anime in general), then G. Also thought 8th MS Team was great, tho not a full series IMO
The BEST Gundam Series
0080 is amazing, may be even better than Zeta. It had a diffrent feel to it than other gundam shows you got to follow a grunt pilot and a kid instead of a flashy spaceship with the latest prototype models. If Zeta has any flaw then it would be all those god damn mobile armors that turns into mobile suits. There are just to many.
The BEST Gundam Series
Whitebase Masemune, White-base- [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
The BEST Gundam Series
SEED. The beginning was just so explosive and the show had me from the very start. Never let me down.
... And SEED had Miguel. Fuck you Kira for killing off such an awesome looking character. He's like the male version of Cagalli ( ... in looks only, of course ), with TM's voice. Can it get better?
The BEST Gundam Series
In order:
G Gundam
Gundam SEED
Gundam X
Gundam 0083
Gundam Wing
The BEST Gundam Series
You should delete Wing from the poll, nobody would be stupid enough to pick th--
oh hello thar Phoenix
The BEST Gundam Series
I like Gundam Wing the most, mostly because it has the best Gundam designs of all the others.
The BEST Gundam Series
Screw you Terra. I dont care what anyone says, Wing had the best gundam designs. G Gundam had
the best fights, and UC had the best story.
The BEST Gundam Series
The Endless waltz gundam designs are nice, the regular wing designs are nothing special, stop living in your dream world. Wing blows.
The BEST Gundam Series
Okay, so the both of you find the Gundam designs to be the most important aspect of the shows you like. Well, that's an interesting take on it.
Edit: I love Wing Zero
Edit2: but only the EW version
Edit3: cuz it had real wings and the best design
The BEST Gundam Series
For me it was definatly Seed. Above all the rest I simply enjoyed it the most its music, characters, mecha and evverything else just draws you into it and never lets go.
As for the rest I enjoyed Gundam X the most out of the others listes. Given I have not seen Z, C, ZZ or all of Mobile Suit Gundam as Toonami pulled it due to 9/11. Given what I did see of MSG I didn't love mostly due to the wooden voice acting and horrible animation. After X I would have to go with wing... It was mindless but I loved the Gundam and it was the series that first made me want to start looking up the past ones. 0083 and 0090 were both decent but there simply wasn't enough of them to really bring me in. The same thing can be said for the F91 movie and the 8th ms squad. In the bottom of my listings you have G Gundam which frankly I just hated I know it was suppose to be sort of a paredy but everything about it was just bad to me. Finnally on the absolute bottom of the barrel is SD gundam which I couldn't manage to watch 5 minutes of without having the urge to kill someone.
The BEST Gundam Series
G Gundam wasn't supposed to be a parody. It was just a different take on Gundam, which was the original reason for the AU to exist in the first place.
The BEST Gundam Series
OK, Wing did suck (mostly because of Relena), and the only reason I like it is because of Wing Zero
Custum. There, I said it.
@DDBen: I really liked G Gundam. It had the best fights out of all the Gundam series. Also, SD shouldn't
count as a Gundam series.
The BEST Gundam Series
Gundam SEED. No need to ask.
The BEST Gundam Series
gundam seed destiny because they started out with a great storyline with the focus only on athrun and the minerva crew and they had shinn, but then after they started giving kira more screentime than athrun and shinn combined(i know i'm exaggerating a little too much but you gotta admit it does feel like it) then it started going downhill for me, but i say it's still a great series and the gundam designs were good, especially saviour and destiny