Originally posted by: Cal_kashi
I've done four days once, studying for finals a few years back and shit got weird after the third day, I started seeing shadow figures in my periphery as well as hearing sounds when I was alone and in a silent environment, it was scary, nothings like pleasant halucinations, it was scary.
Pacing is a great idea, im jealous that you have that option available to you.
Whoa, I'm not the only one! I was extremely stressed and sleep deprived last year at one point (probably a natural consequence of taking 7 engineering courses and having two major lab reports due right in the middle of exams) and I hallucinated like shadowy bugs/spiders. It was one of the freakiest things that's ever happened to me. At one point, I was so convinced there was a giant spider in my room that I got one of my housemates to come look for it. Then I realized that I'd been hallucinating.