Official Topic for Upcoming SEED Series!
So far this is what is on record.
1) From what I have just confirmed from various reliable sources in japan, there are no official records for the next series. EVERYTHING so far mentioned is ONLY specualation. The whole Fukuda interview (I posted it on the upcoming/spoiler thread) was just him going on the record for how difficult the series was to make (explains his LACK of creativity). I haven't had the time to do a full translation but it is basically him explaining his experience with Destiny and nothing more!
I will not post any official material until it is a reliable/confirmed source
I would love to see a third series, however, there have to be drastic changes. Not only that, sequels always have to outdo the predecessors. So the third installment better be much BETTER than SEED and have way less recaps and used footage than DESTINY. GSD did not surpass SEED in any way for me, other than a much more upbeat/fast paced first half. The second half (and most important for me) was very dull and depressing.
If a third series comes out, I would rather it be several years (like 20) later where Kira/Lacus/Athuran/Cagalli/Shinn would play a minor role if any at all. The series needs new faces without interference from old casts. Otherwise, it will be doomed as was Destiny. The problem with Destiny was bringing back the old cast of SEED. They should have never done that. However, if this trilogy is going to live up to the SEED originality then Kira and Company coming back is a no brainer. It begins with Kira and ends with him in essence.
If the third series is with a whole new cast without any interference by the old folks, I believe it would have the potential to outdo SEED. But if we're going to have the trio back (Shinn, Athuran, Kira) and on the same side, then it is MAJOR overkill. Along with a new cast and a latter setting, a whole new storyline. GSD was based on SEED in many ways, a lot of things were TOO similar. The whole group capturing the other sides mobile suits, etc.
I'll have more to add on my thoughts, and I will post more official news when it comes my way.
EDIT: When Fukuda does the interview, I will post it with a translation if need be
Official Topic for Upcoming SEED Series!
You should edit the topic. None of that shit is official, in fact, it's pretty much proven to be false.
Instead this topic should be used as "what do you want to see in series 3 if it comes".
And my answer is: Yzak and less predictability.
Official Topic for Upcoming SEED Series!
rebuild destiny, no gs/ gsd reused scenes, even better no reused scenes at all ( ala naruto)
Official Topic for Upcoming SEED Series!
Malicious femboys and decent script writers is all I demand.
... And for the absence of Kira and Lacus to be genuine this time around. PLEASE!
Official Topic for Upcoming SEED Series!
I want Auels clone in it.
Official Topic for Upcoming SEED Series!
No Kira or Lacus. Let them fade into safe obscurity, so Kira doesn't have to die heroically.
Everyone else is ok though (not Shinn as a main). Maybe instead of Phase Shift, the new lead Gundam can mount something like a DRAGOON jammer, because god knows they are gonna be standard pretty soon.
Official Topic for Upcoming SEED Series!
I don't want a third series, but if they had to, I would want to see a mature Shinn with a good gundam and maybe have Athrun and Kira hop in gundams and whip up on some people in the <u>last three episodes</u>.
Official Topic for Upcoming SEED Series!
Originally posted by: MeroTZ
No Kira or Lacus. Let them fade into safe obscurity, so Kira doesn't have to die heroically.
Everyone else is ok though (not Shinn as a main). Maybe instead of Phase Shift, the new lead Gundam can mount something like a DRAGOON jammer, because god knows they are gonna be standard pretty soon.
Well, I would expect that if they can duplicate it that the coating on Akatsuki would become standard makeing normal DRAGOONs useless.
Official Topic for Upcoming SEED Series!
It would be nice if the main character is a female. Dont you agree?
Official Topic for Upcoming SEED Series!
You know what, I like that idea, the main character being female. And it would be nice to have a strange twist. Maybe she can go against Cagalli's and Orb's ideals for her own reasons (but they would be REAL good ones).
To joke around, Kira discovers it's a girl as does Athuran, they both decide to not battle. In their stead Lacus and Cagalli take over their lovers respective units. SF and IJ taking ram into each other and start flying around in loops and that would be interesting
Official Topic for Upcoming SEED Series!
Originally posted by: PSJ
I want Auels clone in it.
Auel doesn't have a clone. He lived damn it. If Sting is allowed to live then so is Auel. He will just look like Mwu did for a while. Then he'll come back and pay Shinn back.
And if we were to get a female lead she better kick some major ass.
Official Topic for Upcoming SEED Series!
I think there is going to be a 3rd series of seed because what was the use of talia telling kira about her son. hopefully this new one pick up the sstory where GSD finished so that way they could tie all the loose ends in GSD. if there is going to be a 3rd GS then i'm just intrested in upgrades of freedom and justice. we all know that we can brag on about kira and lacus not being in the new series but like it or not they will be in it. and i will be glad if they are in it. i just hope they fully explain" WHAT THE HELL IS SEED MODE" in this series, and come up with the ultimate gundam (freedom that is).
Official Topic for Upcoming SEED Series!
What do I want from this upcoming series? How about Gundam battles that involve more than aimbots and DRAGOON systems owning everything?
I think it'd be interesting if they used something like the Neutron Jammers from early in SEED to disable/greatly weaken MS targeting ability. Then the battles would be much more based on pilot skills and spoken communication rather than blips on screens and locking on dozens of foes at the same time... It would really seperate the fish from the fighters.
Another idea: KILL SOME GODDAMN CHARACTERS OFF! REAL ONES AND IN DIFFERENT SPOTS IN THE SHOW! Its gotten so predictable that there will be insignificant character deaths in the first season, an important one at the end of season 2/ early season 3 and then at the very very end... Gimme a break...
Official Topic for Upcoming SEED Series!
That's actually a very good idea, i've never watched all the gundam series, but has any of them had a female lead role?
Official Topic for Upcoming SEED Series!
The next season will be like some random battle and all of a sudden a pink gundam came out called ZGMS-777 goddess gundam
piloted by Lacus Clyne. The fan will get orgasm and cheer like the zaft soldiers that cheered for meer. The reason why Lacus
can pilot is the same reason why she is both singer and politician, both pacifist and a commander of an army, both innocent
and ambitious. All the random grunts gathered around the world would be like "nani" and Lacus will own 10000000000 mobile
suits with the same attack over and over and over. All of a sudden Shinn Ass-ka will come in and use his anti ship sword and
finally managed to destroy the goddess gundam. And just when the goddess gundam is destroyed, Lacus came out of her cockpit
and do the stereotypical "elegant" death dance. Just when Kira came in the scene and kick shinns ass, He hugged Lacus in his
arm and Lacus tried to leave an X shape scar on Kira's face with a nife came out of no where.(dramatic scene applause) She
used too much power and accidentally stab kira right through the face. In the next five episodes we will see flashbacks of
the scene where lacus stabs kira's face. After a while fukada noticed that he cannot lose kira or lacus so he decided to res
them. He also res shinn which so happened to die after he got eaten by sharks when kira defeated him. Athrun ask shinn, how
can you lose so easily. Shinn said his mind was shoked by how pretty lacus' death dance was and didn't notice kira. Kira and
Lacus were brought back and they performed another dramatic death scene. Fans go boo again, so after another 5 episodes of
showing that scene fukada decided to behold!!! bring them back again. And the crowds went wild like the scene that zaft
soldiers cheered for meer. WTFBBQ
If you dont get it, I am implying gundam seed sux ass and should not have a third season.
Official Topic for Upcoming SEED Series!
To make GS3 good some drastic changes will have to be made. They should "kill" Kira off in the first episodes and bring him back later in the series, as long as they don't mention anything about it in any spoilers etc. That would be awesome. Then a third Freedom entrance would be worth while. Otherwise it's getting old. Otherwise, a major time jump would be difficult considering how GSD ended but this is up to the 40 min OVA to decide. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Also, I liked the idea of a female lead, but how would it fit with a Japanese audience?
Official Topic for Upcoming SEED Series!
all i want is a good story and alot of battles like the ones that lasted a few eps back in seed not the 10 min ones in destiny that have 7 eps of talking after that.
Official Topic for Upcoming SEED Series!
How about this - an Intro that does not act as the entire script for the rest of the series.
I have gotten into the habit of skipping thei ntro all together after the first time (just to hear the music) simply because of the way it is structured, you can pretty much tell waht is going to happen over the next 50 episodes.
Perhaps also not leaking the information about upcomming units before they are seen on the show.
The problem with Destiny was... the suits were unoriginal, each one was a ripp-off of something earlier and I fear there is nothing else to put on a suit and make it interesting; perhaps we'll have fusion suits next, but that's about all there is left to do - we've had BIG guns, samll guns, swords, axes, remote guns, wings, wings that make someone go faster for no dicernable reason, giant suits, reflector suits, shield suits, rocket suits, suits impervious to harm, slow suits, nimble suits, transforming suits, suit equipment packs, combining suits, flying suits, running suits, dog suits, tank suits, surfing suits, water suits, digging suits, crab suits, fish suits, psychic suits, big beams, nuclear beams, small beams, beam shields, beam swords, double bladed beam swords, exploding palm grab attacks.
Honestly, can anyone think of anything new that isn't just a bigger, better version of something that's already there?
Official Topic for Upcoming SEED Series!
Digital Gundams!
The new battles are fought in digital realms with customizable Gundams, so that people don't die in war anymore.
Sumo Gundam!
Ambiguously Gay Gundam!
Kage-bushin-no-jitsu Gundam!
Yeah. That's all I can come up with against your list there.
Official Topic for Upcoming SEED Series!
GS-SD there lies the future of gundam.. Hell i hate fuckuya.. He's on my black list, people i would kill if i meet them on the street any day any way.. I'll strangel im with one of my shoe-laces.. The second one on the list is probably George W. Bush.. If I could kill them i would take my life knowing that i made the world a better places..
I'm serious, I really am..