Final Fantasy VII:AC Sound question
I'm not sure where I can ask this without getting flamed. So here goes ANYWAY.
I note that AonE has released FFVII:AC and is also noted in the torrent with "AC3"
Does this mean that the video is in full surround?
I ask because I want the full experience first off, and I'd have to delete some porn to get this vid...
Thank you.
Moved to Anime Support
- GotWoot Moderator
Final Fantasy VII:AC Sound question
*Universal voice of forum*
Final Fantasy VII:AC Sound question
ask and/or check in the correct forum section, and you'll probably find the answer for your prayers
Final Fantasy VII:AC Sound question
AC3 is generally surround-capable. It should be the original source audio from the dvd, unmodified. Meaning, if the dvd was in surround, the AC3 track is in surround, and assuming you've got the hardware config (surround soundcard, surround speakers) to support it, and ac3filter configured correctly, it should be.
And the "universal voice of the forum" doesn't speak that often. Usually it's expressed in the subtleties of the community.
Final Fantasy VII:AC Sound question