Bleach 196 Raw
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why is it that every thing you put up goes slow as hell
i know its bloody annoying
just go to naruto fan for the naruto one he put up, but i cant find this one anywhere else [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
her you go:
now try it
file id is not valid
Dude is not my fault is slow I am just telling you guys that you can get it from this one spot if you dont want to wait for it than wait for another linkQuote:
Originally posted by: Knives122
why is it that every thing you put up goes slow as hell
Here is a FASTER link but you got to be a memberof BLEACH7
doesn't seem like a very interesting chapter.
it seems to be more comedic then action oriented. but after hte last few chapters i dont really mind. its about time for some light-hearted comedy. been too long since we've seen rukia slap ichigo around [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Ichigo is no match for Rukia.
So rukia knows about the hollow within ichigo, lets see how things are going to be handled from here on
Yay, thanks man i have been waiting for this a long time. A long time being a day and a half. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img].
There's a high quality translation at Bleach7 now.
Anyways, this was quite an entertaining chapter. I loved the comedy of it, especially with Ikkaku getting pissed off at that person calling him bald and Hitsugaya getting all those popped veins [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
na'... this was the most awesome page in this chapter
Yeah, that part was funny too, but I think this one was the funniest in the chapter.
i'm glad rukia's the one who kicked some sense back into ichigo. literally hahah [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
finally... rukia is of some use... if at all...
i think u're confused. the sakura complaint belongs to the naruto forum =P
hmm, i meant what i said +p
well, least sakura did help to defeat an atatsuki member... (hmm... that sakura?)
don't recall rukia beating any powerful hollow...... (if my memory serves me correctly, she was wounded by the very first hollow we met...)
And thanks for spoiling me the Naruto manga shithead